Fun Project "Electric Guitar" finished!
 1-12  13-26

 From:  omac12
3429.13 In reply to 3429.12 
Matthew, I didn't check surfaces before I recommended Expression so I apologize. :(
I'll keep my eye open for another freeware alternative that does it right.
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 From:  Matthew (KINGMATTHEW)
Hi omac12,
Expression was for shure a good recommendation, maybe that's a common behaviour of the export of surfaces, what do you think, Michael?

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 From:  omac12
I made three planar surfaces. One I made with the polygon tool and the other two were freeform closed blobs. I exported as ai, and even though I had several programs that could pull it up so they 'looked' right I noticed that the only surface that could be filled was the one made with the polygon tool. The others looked right, but could not be filled. I have a hunch they would have to be traced first. Here is an ugly results picture.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.16 In reply to 3429.14 
Hi Matthew,

> Expression was for shure a good recommendation, maybe that's
> a common behaviour of the export of surfaces, what do you
> think, Michael?

Yeah, well actually surfaces themselves are not even exported at all currently, only edges of surfaces are exported and they are treated the same as any other curves in the model.

If you are taking a Top view of something like an extruded solid, you probably are ending up with something like 2 curves stacked up right on top of each other, one for the top edge and one for the bottom edge, which may have something to do with what you are seeing.

So to avoid that if you are going from the Top view instead of the 3D view, you may want to not try to export the solid and instead duplicate one of its edges by copy/paste (or use the original curve you extruded) and hide the solid, so that you are controlling more exactly what you are exporting and avoiding duplicates.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.17 In reply to 3429.15 
Hi omac12,

I made three planar surfaces. One I made with the polygon tool and the other two were freeform closed blobs. I exported as ai, and even though I had several programs that could pull it up so they 'looked' right I noticed that the only surface that could be filled was the one made with the polygon tool. The others looked right, but could not be filled.

Could you please post the 3DM model file with the 3 blobs in it so I can take a look?

I guess my question would be why are you making planar surfaces instead of just exporting the curves directly?

Maybe you are also running into a duplicated curves issue - if you have drawn a planar curve, then built a planar surface from it, and then do an export of both the original planar curve as well as the planar surface it will result in both the original curve as well as the edges of the planar surface being written to the AI file. So you'll actually have 2 curves in that place stacked exactly on top of each other.

If you want to export 2D curves, I'd recommend just creating curves only and not building planar surfaces from them at all.

- Michael
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 From:  omac12
3429.18 In reply to 3429.15 
My blobs experiment was just a follow-up to Matthew's message nr. 12. Where he indicated that he had surface problems. Michael, you just answered it though.

And yes, I did experience the stacked duplicates issue. Thanks for the resolution.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.19 In reply to 3429.18 
Hi omac12, I just wanted to make sure.... I just tested exporting a closed smooth blobby curve from MoI and was able to fill it without any problems in Expression. So that made me wonder if there was some problem that was specific to the particular shapes you had, or if it was a duplication issue.

In the future if you run into any problems with filling what look like closed curves, please also post the model file as well instead of just a screenshot so I can examine what is going on, that helps me to be more sure about what is happening.

- Michael
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 From:  Matthew (KINGMATTHEW)
Hi, now it is clear to me:
If you create a closed curve with the freeform line-tool and fill it, the ai export is kind of identical, no matter if you export the curve or the surface edges, you see closed curves in Expression.
If you, instead, create a "closed" curve by connecting several curves and fill it, the export of the curve is a closed curve in one piece, while the export of edges is one "object" containing the pieces of curves. I would not call that a problem, you just have to know about.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.21 In reply to 3429.20 
Hi Matthew, yes I see what you mean - yeah when you export edges each edge will be an individual curve piece in the export.

That's because there are many cases where there are more than 2 edges that touch each other at one point in a solid. Like for example the corner of a box has 3 edges that come together at a single point, not just 2 edges touching each other.

Also edges of surfaces are automatically broken up into separate edges where they have sharp corners in them.

So that's another reason why probably won't want to make surfaces out of planar curves if you just want to export already 2D curves, if you export just the curves themselves you should get a fillable result when you have a closed joined curve.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.22 In reply to 3429.21 
Hi Matthew,

I guess it would be possible for me to detect when you've got a surface where each edge is only touching one other edge (unlike say a box as mentioned previously), and then make those into a closed loop in the AI file same as a joined curve.

That would then make the same kinds of results between exporting a planar surface or the original curves.

I've made a note to look into adjusting the AI export in v3 to do that.

- Michael
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 From:  ceasare
3429.23 In reply to 3429.11 
Thanks Paul!

How did you do it ??

I'll try to get this one finished in the scarce spare time I have.
It is an Epiphone, Les Paul - Studio, plain wood. It's almost a classical instrument!
I use it in my band and plays real nice!

thanks again,

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3429.24 In reply to 3429.1 
Beautiful work! Would you mind showing the back of the neck? Especially the profile and transitions between the headstock/neck and heel/neck? Many thanks!
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3429.25 In reply to 3429.1 
Outstanding work!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3429.26 In reply to 3429.1 
Wow, very cool guitar modelling Matthew!

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