Want to point out IGES and Houdini relations.

 From:  Allan (ALLANKIIPLI)
Hello Michael Gibson!

Its me again and the theme is IGES file.

First good news is that Houdini imports IGES and maintains trimmed surfaces

and exact point numbers as in Moi 3d.

Still to note a little nuance is, that groups that are named inside Moi3d are empty in Houdini.

They are well named, but contain nothing.

This is Houdini Apprentice 10.0.554 edition.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3420.2 In reply to 3420.1 
Hi Allan, that's great that you're able to transfer trimmed surfaces to Houdini through IGES format!

> Still to note a little nuance is, that groups that are named
> inside Moi3d are empty in Houdini.
> They are well named, but contain nothing.

Does the same thing happen when exporting named objects from other CAD programs to Houdini as well?

If so then that's probably an issue with how Houdini decides to process the object name attributes inside of the IGES file.

Since that would be part of how Houdini behaves, I'm not sure if there would be anything I could do about it, most likely that would need to be fixed up in Houdini's importer.

You might try sending them a bug report with a sample file and see if that helps.

- Michael
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 From:  Allan (ALLANKIIPLI)
3420.3 In reply to 3420.2 

Attaching example png files. This is simple file, just in examples items are moved.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3420.4 In reply to 3420.3 
Hi Allan, it's a little hard for me to understand what's going on there in your last post.

Is Houdini not able to read in some parts of the IGES file? You mention something about a piece missing?

Can you please post the actual IGES file here or e-mail it to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can test it with some other programs? That will let me figure out whether there may be something wrong with the IGES file, or if it is a problem with Houdini's importer.

But it is most likely a problem with Houdini's importer though, that probably has not really had a whole lot of attention on it from the Houdini developers. Houdini is just not really used that often in combination with CAD programs.

Reading IGES files is a pretty complex area so it is easy for there to be bugs in their handling if it is not much of a focus area for the application.

Probably you will get better results in exporting to polygons in OBJ format and reading that into Houdini instead of IGES files.

- Michael
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 From:  Allan (ALLANKIIPLI)
3420.5 In reply to 3420.4 
No the point with iges is, that the curves pass in.
But this is not what concerns groups.
Anyway i want to point out that, currently it is good enough,
just wonderful groups could pass in too.
I mean : geometry is okay, but the grouping information, that is an important aspect in upcoming Moi3d and fundametal in Houdini,
could be not ignored or just displaying names, that is: groups are empty at current state.

And one more aspect with iges file format. Houdini exports also its curves into iges and they come very well into Moi3d also.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3420.6 In reply to 3420.5 
Hi Allan,

> I mean : geometry is okay, but the grouping information, that
> is an important aspect in upcoming Moi3d and fundametal in
> Houdini, could be not ignored or just displaying names, that is:
> groups are empty at current state.

I see... But MoI does actually write the object names to the IGES file.

For example if I load the IGES file you posted into Rhino, you can see the name comes through into there, here is a screenshot of Rhino to show this:

If Houdini ignores the names, I don't know what I can do to fix that - that's something that you're going to need to talk to the Houdini developers about to get improved in Houdini.

Also one other note - it's pretty common for programs to try and automatically join individual surfaces in an IGES file together since often times a solid is stored in an IGES file as individual surfaces. So in some cases with surfaces that touch each other like you've got, a program may decide to combine those 2 objects together into 1 single new combined object and that could case the names to go away in some cases.

If you have any control over turning off any automatic joining process for IGES imports, that could help.

- Michael

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