line styles

 From:  Luis (LFUNG)
Hi Michael,

I was wondering if there was a script or a way to change line style into say a dashed style (sort of like the same as construction lines).

Right now, i can change the colors and lock lines/curves that I use as guides, but it would be easier on the eyes if the style could be modified, e.g. dashing, opacity, etc. Is that possible at all?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3417.2 In reply to 3417.1 
Hi Luis, there is not currently any way set up to assign different line style properties to different objects.

That is something that I want to add in the future though.

It is possible to modify the default line width for curves and also the line style and opacity that is used for the hidden line display, those are settings in the moi.ini file. Let me know if you want some more information about modifying these global settings.

- Michael
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