Boolean subteact ...

 From:  s7r83dg3
How to subtract 1 from 2 in this case... ???

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 From:  tijai
3363.2 In reply to 3363.1 
may i´m wrong, but you can use your earlier created curves to get what you want?

look at the pictures

best regards,



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 From:  s7r83dg3
3363.3 In reply to 3363.2 
Not quite ... look at those spokes a little closer, they have a ridge on the back ...

Oh I guess those shapes don't line up correctly ...

EDITED: 3 Mar 2010 by S7R83DG3

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 From:  tijai
3363.4 In reply to 3363.3 
Ah, ok...

i try it again... with a little "dirty" trick.... I extrude the faces of object 1... so i can substract it from object 2...
(some boolean won´t do it ... i mirror the object... than the boolean works?)
whatever... is that what you wanna get?

best regards, tijai

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 From:  s7r83dg3
3363.5 In reply to 3363.4 
yeah thats it ;) but I think I'm on the wrong track ... I was trying to get this kind of rim
but the filleting operation doesn't work ... will try something else ...
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