Wrap Around

 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
Hey all,

Anyone know of a way to wrap a line shape around a round form without distorting the line shape? I have the shape of a label that will be wrapped around a bottle.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3339.2 In reply to 3339.1 
Hi Tree,

MoI does not currently have any function to wrap curve around an existing object like that.

Probably the closest thing that you could try for that might be to prepare a flat surface with several points in it, then trim a hole out of that flat surface and bend the surface control points to the shape that you want. The trim curve will come along with the surface as you bend it.

See this previous post for some details:

Rhino does have some functions in it for doing that kind of warping of one object onto another, so bringing that into Rhino and performing the warping in there is another way you could get it done.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3339.3 In reply to 3339.1 
Hi Tree,
Are you trying to find out the diameter for the bottle using an existing label or do you need the lines on the cylinder as a guide ?

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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
3339.4 In reply to 3339.3 
Hi DannyT,

Just trying to wrap the line to fit onto the cylinder, then extrude the line to give it thickness. With the line's current length, it won't/shouldn't fit around the entire cylinder. That will in turn become my label for later texturing. I unfortunately, don't have access to Rhino, but will probably just bring the flat version into my render app, extrude it then use a deformer to fit it onto the cylinder (bottle).
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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
3339.5 In reply to 3339.2 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the link. I'll try that approach before I go the other route. I always try to get any possible modeling done in MOI before using another app. It's just easier to keep my workflow consistent. I was just a bit stumped on this one, and didn't have the time yet to figure it out myself. So apologies for being lazy and relying on the forums before having a go at it myself. :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3339.6 In reply to 3339.5 
Hi Tree, yeah that one is kind of tough to do in MoI currently.

I do want to work on adding in some of these kinds of deformation / applying curves to surfaces type functions for v3.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Tree,

Couldn't you just do that one mathematically seeing it is only a cylinder ?

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 From:  BurrMan
3339.8 In reply to 3339.7 
I used the show drawing line length script to draw an arc fairly close:

96.1757325368832 label line length

96.1755900545342 Burrs arc length

Could probably spend a bit more time adjusting decimals shown and zooming in and getting a bit closer if needed.

Would this work?

[EDIT] I squared the corners for times sake [EDIT]

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
3339.9 In reply to 3339.8 
Hi Burr,

Hm, I'll have to try it out, but hard to say. I'd have to extrude the the line down the cylinder, then round the edges. Also, the label isn't a perfect rectangle (it's wider near the bottom) My brain's too tired atm to figure it all out, but it'll probably be easier to just extrude and deform it in another modeling program.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3339.10 In reply to 3339.9 
Hi Tree, also another possible way to get something pretty close to what you want might be to create a flat curve like this:

Then to project it straight on to the surface using Construct > Curve > Project:

This seems to be close to the kind of shape you are looking for? :

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
3339.11 In reply to 3339.9 
Hi Tree,
Yeah, The blend tool will round off the corners nicely before I trim the surface of the cylinder with the wrapped curve. If the bottom is a different size, I would just have to do a second curve for the bottom length, then loft between them. Then I can extract the edges of the loft and trim the cylinder surface with the new edges and use the trimmed piece to create the label. Can offset it out and shell it if you want to give it thickness.

[EDIT] Looks like Michael has provided the answer [EDIT]

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3339.12 In reply to 3339.11 
Hi Burr, I think your method is more accurate, the one I showed there is probably not 100% exactly the right size but it could be a quick way to get something that looks close.

- Michael
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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
Hi Burr, Michael,

Both ideas seem good. But, as you mentioned Michael, I think Burr's way might be a bit more accurate. I'll try to give it a try sometime today, depending on my workload. I have a bit of time to get this project done, so I wasn't pressured to find a quick solution myself.

Many thanks to both of you for the quick and great ideas.
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 From:  wobblybootie (TIMGCLEAVE)
3339.14 In reply to 3339.1 

Try www.cncwrapper.com

That may do what you want ...
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