How do handles work?

 From:  mickelsen
When you select an object by clicking on it, a set of handles appear on the corners with a half-circle arrow in the middle. I know that these can be used to modify the object but I don't know the rules of how they work. I've searched the documentation but haven't found anything that explains them. Could you please tell me where to look to find the documentation of how the handles work? I know that this is pretty fundamental, but please be patient.
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 From:  Colin
3323.2 In reply to 3323.1 
Hi Mark,

That's one of the features of V2 Beta & all the documentation hasn't been written for it as yet.
There is info about it within the Forum & also on Pete's Page here:

HTH, Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3323.3 In reply to 3323.1 
Hi Mark, yup check out the very top of the page that Colin linked to for some description of how it works, look for the part that mentions "Edit frame".

I'm right on the verge of finishing up the software part for v2. Once the software is all wrapped up then I'll be working on updating the documentation for new v2 features like this.

EDIT: here is a clickable link:

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Hmmm, I hate doing documentation... :P
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