Leftover bits of curves weirdness

 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
When trying to build the barrel on my tank, I was having some weirdness with trying to UNION the various bits, but finally got it to work. Apparently some of the surfaces weren't closed, etc. Anyway, when done, I have these left over bits of circle. I can sometimes select them, but I can't seem to delete them. Show points doesn't work either.

Is there any way to get rid of these guys?

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
The gun barrel directly above it shows this problem as well, the 'circle' above the bits of line seems to be broken into bits as well.

I'd rebuild the barrel, but I can't seem to get rid of these dingleberries.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
331.3 In reply to 331.1 
You must post "part" of your model who makes "problem" in 3dm format!
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Here is the tank. I was just curious if anyone else had this?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
331.5 In reply to 331.1 
Hi Crusoe - those seem to be some little tiny slivery surfaces.

Because they seem to be all collapsed down to a line there seems to be a problem with creating the display mesh for them. Normally the display mesh is also used for selection, so the meshing problem is interfering with selection there as well.

Some of them will select with dragging a window around them, which you can then delete. In this case, start the window drag to the right side and drag left - that will give you a dashed outline which normally means anything that intersects the window will get selected, instead of only capturing strictly inside. Due to some complications in this case, the right-to-left drag will capture a few more than the left-to-right one won't.

Then there are a few left that won't select with the mouse at all, to get rid of these, zoom out a bit and drag a window around everything (this will select everything except for those little bits), then do Select/Invert. At this point those little bits are selected even though you can't really see it, and you can then delete them.

- Michael
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
331.6 In reply to 331.5 

Hmm, that got rid of most of them, now I'm left with a few pieces that I can select, but 'delete' doesn't work on them.

I can drag a rectangle around them, and they briefly select then deselect. But once I drag the rectangle, then I can click select them. Delete though doesn't work, nor can I move them.

Oh, wait, they're selected by the window, but don't show as such. Then ops work. If I click on them, and turn them yellow, then no ops work on them.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
331.7 In reply to 331.6 
> If I click on them, and turn them yellow, then no ops work on them.

That's because it switched into edge selection at that point - like if you did a second click on a box, the second click would select the edge of the box and doing a delete with just one edge selected like that doesn't do anything.

It's hard to tell with these ones since it is like if you took that box and squished it totally flat.

- Michael
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