Hi Crusoe - those seem to be some little tiny slivery surfaces.
Because they seem to be all collapsed down to a line there seems to be a problem with creating the display mesh for them. Normally the display mesh is also used for selection, so the meshing problem is interfering with selection there as well.
Some of them will select with dragging a window around them, which you can then delete. In this case, start the window drag to the right side and drag left - that will give you a dashed outline which normally means anything that intersects the window will get selected, instead of only capturing strictly inside. Due to some complications in this case, the right-to-left drag will capture a few more than the left-to-right one won't.
Then there are a few left that won't select with the mouse at all, to get rid of these, zoom out a bit and drag a window around everything (this will select everything except for those little bits), then do Select/Invert. At this point those little bits are selected even though you can't really see it, and you can then delete them.
- Michael