Problem with 2 commands...

 From:  JTB
The Reset All (001.jpg) and the new Image (002.jpg) command don't work.
I have two PCs, both with IE7 but the one has Greek XP Home and the other one the English version. This happens only to the greek XP
This is the only difference.

The error sais that the 'moi' has not been defined

EDITED: 31 Jan 2007 by JTB

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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.2 In reply to 327.1 
Hi JTB, someone else has also reported this problem, but it appears to be infrequent.

Are you running any different kind of anti-virus or anti-spyware on the different systems?

I would like to track this down.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)

Hi Michael,

Sorry my first post is a bug report, but I will say this is a very well designed app and works very well with my workflow into
trueSpace 7.11 with Conversion Pak( OBJ and IGES import very well). I will post examples later when time permits.

I'm getting the same errors as JTB. This happens on my desktop computer but not on my laptop. As far as anti-virus software
is concerned, I'm running AVG on both units and I'm not using anti-spyware at this time.

These errors pop up when try to use Reset All, Image and Hide.

Any ways, keep up the good work and Thank You for a great piece of software.


P.S. Thanks to Pilou for getting my attention on the Silo forums to check this out. :)

EDITED: 20 Jan 2007 by SBEECH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
327.4 In reply to 327.3 

maybe you must try Firefox for see if same error appear :) (no specific problem till now for me)
or else seems a little bug of Ui files interfaces :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.5 In reply to 327.4 
> (no specific problem till now for me)

Hi Pilou you say "till now" - does that mean that you are now seeing this same problem as well?

The more people who see this problem will make it easier for me to see what might be in common on their machines and track down what is happening.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.6 In reply to 327.3 
> Sorry my first post is a bug report,

No worries! I'm glad to hear it, the more cases I hear hopefully the easier it will be to track this down.

You are now the 3rd person to report it.

Anything that you can think of that might be different between these 2 machines ( Windows version, language settings, system themeing software such as window blinds, always-running system utilities, Internet Explorer version, etc... ) would help.

I may need to make a special build with a bunch of diagnostics enabled in it for you to run to help see what is happening.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
327.7 In reply to 327.5 
Till now = no problemo :)
You have said about Images move, resize...
But "rotate" is also planified?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.8 In reply to 327.7 
> But "rotate" is also planified?

Maybe... :) I didn't want to promise rotate because if it starts to take too much time I was thinking of skipping that part for now.

But I will probably give it a try, I do have one idea for it.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Well I got this working. My solution was to remove IE7.
The only thing I use IE for is Windows Update and IE 6 seems
to work for that. The only small problem is Windows Update
says IE7 is a critical update.(round and round it goes,
and where it stops nobody knows :P).
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
327.10 In reply to 327.9 
With Firefox no problem :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.11 In reply to 327.9 
What I suspect is that something went slightly wrong with your IE7 install and some stuff for scripting permissions was not set properly in the registry.

If you get a chance, could you please try re-installing IE7 again, and see if you get the problem again?


- Michael
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 From:  Colin
327.12 In reply to 327.11 
Hi Michael,

Not sure if this info is of any use to you, but ArtCAM had a problem with IE7.
I'm not sure what it was, but they were advising everyone to un-install IE7 until they'd sorted it out.
I think that ArtCAM also uses HTML, so maybe their problem was similar?
Maybe something for you to look at??

Here's a link to the page with this info.

Hope this is of some help, Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.13 In reply to 327.12 
Thanks Colin! MoI doesn't normally have a problem with IE7, so under normal circumstances you shouldn't need to uninstall it.

However, it seems like there is a certain way that IE7 can possibly not get installed correctly - this is rare, but 3 people have reported it so far.

I think that there may be a common element with the AVG virus checker - possibly that virus checker interferes with the IE7 install.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)

I found a solution for my problem here:

A reset did the trick, and as I said I don't use IE as my browser.

Thanks for the ideas!!! :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.15 In reply to 327.14 
Great! Thank you for reporting that back here, that's an easy solution.

When you get a chance later on, it would be cool to see some screenshots of what you're doing with MoI and trueSpace!

- Michael
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 From:  JTB
327.16 In reply to 327.2 

Michael, both PCs have Panda Antivirus
Both PCs have IE7 installed before the DEC24 beta and it worked OK.
I think this is the first release that has a problem, that's why I don't think it is a problem of IE7

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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.17 In reply to 327.16 
Hi JTB - yes, the other person that contacted me through e-mail also had this problem only start with the Dec-24 beta, which had the changes in it to support different languages.

Can you please try the IE7 reset button as displayed here: It's in IE7 under Tools Menu, Internet Options, Advanced Tab, bottom of the dialog.

That way it will definitely rule out any problem with IE7.

If you try that and it still doesn't work then I will work with you on it some more.

- Michael
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 From:  JTB
327.18 In reply to 327.17 
YES !!! Everything is OK now, Michael, thanks, nice to see it was so easy
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 From:  Michael Gibson
327.19 In reply to 327.18 
Great!! I'm glad that you are all fixed up now.

It seems that IE7 has introduced some kind of new setting or something that can interfere with MoI's scripting. If I can figure out which particular setting is the problem I can probably fix it up. But in the meantime I'm glad that reset button solves it.

- Michael
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