Hi PaQ, no problem.
> (probably because I'm a sds hires modeler)
Yeah, the most typical SDS usage tends to generate a lot of quite small evenly sized polygons being used which helps to avoid mach banding.
But also these artifacts are really increased quite a lot by real-time display techniques, which is just focused more on speed than quality.
A full render just does things in a more accurate (and also slower) manner and many things like that will simply disappear at actual render time.
Here's another example with your same file, exported with just angle = 12 from MoI with no extra subdivisions. In MoI the exported mesh looks like this:
Importing that semi-rough mesh into Cinema4D looks like this:
Note that real-time display actually looks even worse than things did in MoI - that's probably because the C4D real-time display is using only per-vertex gouraud shading which increases mach banding artifacts. When I updated the lighting engine in MoI in v2 to use light mapping instead of gouraud shading, it helped to reduce mach banding in MoI's display but not totally eliminate it.
But look what happens when I do an actual full render in C4D :
Poof - those artifacts are just gone... And that's even with long polygons, here is a look at the wireframe in C4D:
So much of the things you are referring to are artifacts in real-time display techniques, that won't actually apply at render time... (as long as you are getting the true vertex normals being used by the render)
The real-time artifacts tend to be more pronounced on long polygons, which you're getting more of with those cone shapes.
If the NURBS surface actually has little undulations and ripples in it, then that's another kind of problem, but that is not what is happening in the case you posted here though...
So I mean to make a long story short, you can just ignore those artifacts you are seeing in this case, they should not really be there when you do your final render.
- Michael