Selection indicator
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3254.14 In reply to 3254.13 
Hi Michael,

> The other possibility is that clicking on
> the name could actually pop out the item's
> menu and instead the dot all the way to the
> right could be clickable for selection instead
> of selecting by clicking on the name like it currently works...

I was thinking about suggesting the dot being 'clickable' but then thought you probably wouldn't go for it because of it's size :) also if it was the case, would it be click=highlight, click again=unhighlight or as it is now with selection from the browser where we use the ctrl key as the modifier for unselecting.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.15 In reply to 3254.14 
Hi Danny, re: selection dot size - well there are already similar sized things to click on already like the swatch. So it would not be unreasonable, but it would be a bit of a downgrade from the current larger click area.

But one other issue with the dot is that it would chop off some room for the text name.. If the selection indicator was more of a background thing it could possibly be behind the text or behind the eye like you were showing earlier and that doesn't shorten the area for the text label any..

There's not much room there for a lot of text already, so shortening it further may be pretty bad.

> also if it was the case, would it be click=highlight, click
> again=unhighlight or as it is now with selection from the
> browser where we use the ctrl key as the modifier for
> unselecting.

I was thinking it would work same as selection does now, with Ctrl for deselect. But what you are describing sounds pretty good, with left click toggling select on or off similar to the eye.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3254.16 In reply to 3254.15 
All sounds good Michael, I'm sure the final solution will be the right one, will this be part of V3 development ?

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3254.17 In reply to 3254.12 
Hi Michael,

The selection methods in Moi are already very flexible, it was just a flying thought.

> What would it show then if only some objects of that slot were selected, just the same as if none were selected?

It could highlight if you select only one object of that container, being just an indicator as of where it is located in the browser.

> For example, say you have 1 sphere that has Style = Default selected. Now you drag that selection indicator to the Style = Red slot, which happens to have 100 lines associated with it. What is the ending selection supposed to be? Are all the lines supposed to get selected?

No, the lines would not be added to the selection, it would just reorganize the active selection.
If you have a handful of objects scattered in many styles, you could visually regroup them in one or in several containers.

it may be handy in complex situations.

It's a common feature in some 2d vector applications.
Here'e some examples featuring:

One orange square: layer 1
Two green squares: Layer 2
Nothing: layer 3

One green and one orange square are selected.

Expression 3.3:
A kind of "box" indicator appears over the color label of the layer of which at least one object is selected.

Illustrator 10:
Here a black square around the color label if you have everything selected in that layer.

Microsoft design:
Here only a frame for a partial selection and full square for everything selected in that layer.

In all of these examples you can drag that icon to reorganize the active selection.
It's a visual way of organizing objects in the tree.

EDITED: 22 Jan 2010 by TELLIER

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 From:  -ash-
3254.18 In reply to 3254.17 
>> It would highlight if you select only one object of that container, being just an indicator as of where it is located in the browser.

This is really all I was looking for too. I've selected something, where is it in the browser?

As in this example using a blue square, all layers have objects on them, layers 1 and 3 have selected objects on them, layer 2 has no selected objects.

I would be happy with something like the above. I don't think I need a visual display that some objects with name x are selected and some are not in the browser.


(aka HamSoles)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.19 In reply to 3254.17 
Hi Marc,

> > What would it show then if only some objects of that slot
> > were selected, just the same as if none were selected?

> It could highlight if you select only one object of that
> container, being just an indicator as of where it is located
> in the browser.

I see... But I would worry that could be misleading, say you have 1000 objects that have Style = default. If you only selected just one of them and then the indicator lit up (with only one style of lighting up), someone could easily mistake that for meaning that all 1000 of that container were selected.

> In all of these examples you can drag that icon to reorganize
> the active selection.
> It's a visual way of organizing objects in the tree.

I think I understand now - dragging that icon would be a way to assign just those particular objects to a new style instead of assigning all selected objects to a new style like you can do now by clicking on a swatch.

I was thinking it would adjust the selection somehow, but you're talking about using it to assign properties.

Kind of a subtle thing though, you could accomplish the same thing currently by just narrowing the selection instead of having a whole bunch of various stuff selected. But it is something good to think about.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.20 In reply to 3254.16 
Hi Danny,

> All sounds good Michael, I'm sure the final solution will be
> the right one, will this be part of V3 development ?

Yeah, it's something that I would work on for v3.

Still some open questions though, I guess a big one is - is it ok to shrink the available size for the name label by having a selection dot as another dedicated column?

Maybe I can get away with a bit of trickery and let the name spill over there for the "no selection" case.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.21 In reply to 3254.18 
Hi Tony,

> I don't think I need a visual display that some objects with name
> x are selected and some are not in the browser.

But if you did have different states showing for "all selected" versus "some selected", it would not do any harm for what you want to use it for (as a locator), right?

As long as "no selection" is blank and something is showing for different kinds of selection it would let you locate it.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.22 In reply to 3254.17 
Hi Marc, I messed around some with Expression 3 to get some more idea of what you were referring to.

The part I don't like so much is that little box inside the layer swatch shows when something is selected, so it seems like if I click on it, it should then set selection also, but it doesn't seem to do that.

It seems like it would be nice to have something that showed selection and also let you set selection by clicking on it at the same time.

Now say there was a column of selection dots like Danny showed earlier - if you click and drag on one of those dots there are kind of 2 possibilities - a "drag/drop" type thing like you were talking about here, or a "swipe" action like how you can set a series of eye states with one swipe.

It seems like it could be good to have a "selection dot" that would work similar in behavior to the eye but setting selection of course instead of visibility...

Maybe right-drag could be "re-assign" and left-drag could be swiping, is that too weird?

- Michael
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 From:  -ash-
3254.23 In reply to 3254.21 
>> But if you did have different states showing for "all selected" versus "some selected",
>> it would not do any harm for what you want to use it for (as a locator), right?

No, no harm at all :)


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3254.24 In reply to 3254.22 
Hi Michael,

> It seems like it would be nice to have something that showed selection and also let you set selection by clicking on it at the same time.

I'm not sure I understand; clicking on that icon would select all the items on that style, like when clicking on the name tag?

I've thought of another thing, maybe the color label could be outlined when at least one object is selected...

This could save up some columns.

Maybe only once it is outlined, a swatch could be draggable?

Just some ideas..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.25 In reply to 3254.24 
Hi Marc,

> I'm not sure I understand; clicking on that icon would select
> all the items on that style, like when clicking on the name tag?

Yeah, clicking on the selection dot icon would control selecting or deselecting objects, similar to how clicking on the name tag works now - it would basically take over those selection related actions, and clicking on the name tag would do something else instead, probably pop out a menu with some additional tools on it.

> I've thought of another thing, maybe the color label could be
> outlined when at least one object is selected...

Maybe, but it would be difficult to show the mixed state with that method.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3254.26 In reply to 3254.20 
Hi Michael,

> Still some open questions though, I guess a big one is
> - is it ok to shrink the available size for the name label
> by having a selection dot as another dedicated column?

I don't know what would be involved in the UI code, couldn't you make the browser panel resizable like the normal Windows sizing action, if not, an ini or option setting for the size, in that way it will be up to the individual on how wide they would want the browser panel.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.27 In reply to 3254.26 
Hi Danny, the difficulty is with the "inside" scene browser position mode.

When it is inside the side pane, it would be kind of awkward to widen it without making the rest of the side pane seem a little weird.

But maybe it still will be ok.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3254.28 In reply to 3254.27 
Hi Michael, what you might think is weird could be useful to others, like the "WeirdBackwardsHide" script you cooked up, I use it all the time :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.29 In reply to 3254.28 
Hi Danny, possibly... But just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, I'm referring to this configuration here:

So note in that mode the scene browser is not a totally independent panel all by itself, it is an element contained inside the side pane panel. So it cannot really be resized just completely on its own without actually making the entire side pane wider and then trying to figure out how the other stuff in there should respond to that.

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3254.30 In reply to 3254.29 
I see what you mean, the only thing that I can picture in that situation is when you resize the pane to expand the browser the command tabs would not change and you would have blank space on one side of command tabs or both sides, to even out the space.

It happens now in adjacent mode.

Even more so when there isn't much in the browser.

Is it possible if the browser is in the "inside" mode and in the event of being resized to a certain point it jumps into "adjacent" mode ?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.31 In reply to 3254.30 
Hi Danny,

> Is it possible if the browser is in the "inside" mode and in
> the event of being resized to a certain point it jumps into
> "adjacent" mode ?

I don't know - that definitely sounds pretty weird, for a setting like that to change in combination with a width change.

I mean if you wanted it to be in adjacent mode it is better for you to set it to adjacent mode instead of having settings automatically bounce around...

But maybe if I cheat a little bit and let the name spill over into the "selection dot" column when there is no selection it would help to give some more space for the name at least in some circumstances.

- Michael
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 From:  -ash-
3254.32 In reply to 3254.31 
Hello Michael,

How about adding a setting in the options for the width of the browser. Would this help? Then people can re-size if they want to. Even if it changes the rest of the tabs. This would then be set to user taste and always be the same.

I have my browser set up on the opposite side of the window and I always change the width (in the HTML file) to be wider, but not everyone is comfortable with editing these files.

Though if screen space was limited enough that I needed to use the inside mode, then I would keep any names short to fit in the space available. so I don't really see that as a huge issue myself.

Not sure if this helps any.


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.33 In reply to 3254.32 
Hi Tony,

> How about adding a setting in the options for the
> width of the browser.

Yeah, I've thought some about that too, and it seems like a good idea but maybe the setting would not apply to the "inside" mode one and instead there would be separate side pane width control to adjust the width of the whole side pane (including the scene browser in inline mode as well).

Maybe something along those lines anyway.

- Michael
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