New Jan-18-2007 beta available now
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
325.36 In reply to 325.35 

Yes Pilou !!! hehehehe

Thosa are the pictures that u have realized for all the user of ZBrush! heheheh ;)

Really cool end Tnx again Pilou! ;)

MrBraun - Moderator
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

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 From:  dooki
325.37 In reply to 325.20 
Image import??!?!

Thank you thank you thank you!!! I just saw this update. BRAVO!!

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 From:  Ray
325.38 In reply to 325.1 
Hello Michael,

Thanks for this new beta-version. The background images are really very useful. However, I needed a lot of adjustments before I got them right. Attached to this post you find my first setup with the background images. As the setup is difficult I probably use a ridiculous scale setting. I tried to enter the corner points of the images using the input fields, but MoI kept jumping back to the mouse position.

During modelling I encountered some problems. Perhaps you can explain these:

- The fuselage of the aircraft is a "loft" of a number of cross-sections. Some of these cross-sections are pure circles, other cross-sections are modelled using mirrored "splines". As you can notice when you select the fuselage, it seems to consist of four quarters instead of a complete surface or solid. Is it caused by an inaccuracy in my mirrored spline cross-sections? How can I detect such an error?

- I started noticing the problem of the non-solid fuselage as I wanted to add a fillet between the fillet and the stabilizer (the little wing at the rear). As I had problems with these fillets (during which MoI started to lock-up my computer!) I did some experiments. I noticed that fillets only work properly on solids. If I create a wing by extruding a wing profile, without using caps, it seems impossible to create a fillet with e.g. a solid cube. Therefore I recreated the stabilizer as a solid surface. However, as I still was not able to create a fillet, I suspect that the error is located in the fuselage.

What do you advise? Recreate the cross sections? Is it correct that a fillet between two surfaces does not work?

Yours sincerely,


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About the background images : is it possible to have a mixed files save "3dm + image" for an automatic reloading?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.40 In reply to 325.38 
> Attached to this post you find my first setup with the background images.

Hi Ray, we won't be able to see the background images unless you attach those here too.

It may be useful to draw some lines or a rectangle before doing the background image, as a snapping guide.

> As you can notice when you select the fuselage, it seems to consist of four quarters
> instead of a complete surface or solid. Is it caused by an inaccuracy in my mirrored
> spline cross-sections? How can I detect such an error?

This is a side effect of blending some circles along with non-circles.

A NURBS circle is made up of 4 internal arc segments, although since they are fused together with a shared tangent, they will not automatically separate out with the regular "Separate" command.

For a lot of operations, this circle-segmentation does not cause a problem, but one area where it can cause a problem is when you loft between a circle and a regular curve - one part of the process of lofting is combining and blending together the different sections into a single surface and any kind of segmentation can become magnified at this point. What is happening is the segmentation is causing a small crease in the resulting surface, and MoI splits creased surfaces up into separate sheets.

This is something that I should be able to fix inside of loft - I should be able to detect the segmentation and re-approximate that curve with a single smooth non-segmented piece within tolerance which will then behave better.

Until then here is a workaround - turn on points for the circle and select one or more points and drag it. This is one area where MoI does the type of automatic re-approximation. If you drag any point on a circle and then drag it back (not undo it, that will restore the original circle which is not what you want) the "perfect but segmented" circle will be replaced with a fitted one that is one smooth non-segmented piece which will loft better.

So do that little "distrub point on circle" thing on each circle and you should then get a better result.

Filleting does work between two surfaces, but only if they are single individual surfaces, your fuselage in this case is made up of joined sections (due to the crease splitting), so that's why the surface/surface fillet is not happening there, in this case you probably should intersect the objects by trim/join or booleans and then do an edge fillet instead. But the little crease in the fuselage that is running right through that area probably is confusing things as well.

I'll see if I can improve the lofting to automatically handle this type of thing better.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.41 In reply to 325.39 
> About the background images : is it possible to have a mixed files save
> "3dm + image" for an automatic reloading?

Hi Pilou, do you mean to save the bitmap data directly into the .3dm file?

This would be possible to do, but it will certainly increase file size a bit... A couple of things might be a little complex, like I might imagine that someone who got a file with an embedded bitmap might want to get the bitmap out of it so they could edit it or something...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
325.42 In reply to 325.41 

Not exactly that :)
Imagine you make a project, whith 3 images
You begin during one hour
Stop and close for go to drink something :)

When you restart you must reload the 3 images at the same place, same size...
Just that :)
(position of the rectangle:)

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EDITED: 22 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.43 In reply to 325.42 
Do you mean that the images are not saving for you?

They are supposed to! That would be a big bug if they are not...

Can you copy an image to c:\ and see if it then works for you? Maybe I have made some error with handling longer filenames or something...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
325.44 In reply to 325.43 

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! !!!!!
I must must to confess that i have never try to save a file with images, thinking that was not planified in this version !
Sorry for the big frightening :D
Trying and working perfectly and even with more than 3 images! :)
You rock !

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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.45 In reply to 325.44 
Whew! You worried me there! :)

Making the images save inside the file was the last thing that I finished before releasing the beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
325.46 In reply to 325.45 

Thinking that possibility to add images was yet a big help in a session,
and as nobody speak about saving configuation
I was imagine the worst :)
For one time I had read well the news, it was not specified !)
Reality is sometime more strong than the imagination :D

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 22 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Tested the transparency of the Png format inside Moi :)
That works fine!
File Test is an object (yellow) mixed with 3 images png "transparent"

Some "plan" of image seems opaque for other following rotation on the axe "two by two"

You rotate all the view and the opaque plans became normaly transparent and other became opaque :)
Images Png used are "realy" transparent like helix4 (make your try)

Seems you have coll managed the names of files when the "same image" is loaded in the 3 views and Hide or Remove after:)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.48 In reply to 325.47 
Hi Pilou, thanks for testing the images!

> Some "plan" of image seems opaque for other following rotation on the axe "two by two"

Yes, this would happen if the images were intersecting or pretty close to each other. I've improved it for the next beta so that fully transparent areas work better even when images are intersecting.


- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
325.49 In reply to 325.1 
Each time you Double Click on the Icon Option (page Right Botton) there is an Alert Message
See the image :)
I have tested on the privious versions, that didn't arrive !
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Weel done Test Pilou! ;)

MrBraun - Moderator
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by LORENZO

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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.51 In reply to 325.49 
Hi Pilou, thanks very much for finding these tricky bugs!

This one is now fixed for the next beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

New french translation : more Zen :)
(version 27 01 2007)
copying / Replace the attached FrenchStrings to the C:\Program Files\MoI beta Jan-18-2007\ui folder.
Have fun :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  tyglik
325.53 In reply to 325.40 
Michael wrote:
A NURBS circle is made up of 4 internal arc segments, although since they are fused together with a shared tangent, they will not automatically separate out with the regular "Separate" command. [...] I should be able to detect the segmentation and re-approximate that curve with a single smooth non-segmented piece within tolerance which will then behave better.

Hi Michael,

If I understand you well MoI is currently able to reduce and move a curve control points properly while maintaining general shape of curve? If Yes I think it would be good idea to write an interface for such command which could simplify a complex curves that originate as a result of using offset, trim (pseudo project/pull) or sketch commands and which are to be used for other modeling tools (extruding, sweeping...).

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 From:  tyglik
It appears that message has been overlooked... or you start working on it... hehe
Anyway, you can keep calm...I don't complain...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
325.55 In reply to 325.53 
> If I understand you well MoI is currently able to reduce and move a
> curve control points properly while maintaining general shape of curve?

Hi Petr, yes there are a couple of different techniques that I can use to do this.

For improving lofting it is a little trickier, since it has to be done in a synchronized way to a whole set of curves, not just one. For instance if one curve needs to have a point inserted, the other curves also need to insert that point so they stay synchronized and can more easily create a simple surface when they are combined through lofting.

> If Yes I think it would be good idea to write an interface for such command

Yup, this would be the rebuild command, several people have already requested it. It will definitely happen at some point but I'm not sure when yet. Ideally this command would allow you to tell it either a number of control points or a tolerance value and it would create a new curve that followed the shape of the old one.

> which could simplify a complex curves that originate as a result of using offset,
> trim (pseudo project/pull) or sketch commands and which are to be used for other
> modeling tools (extruding, sweeping...).

A slightly different version of this is actually already happening in the Freeform/Sketch command - if you turn on control points of a sketched curve you should see that they are pretty sparse.

- Michael
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