Imported spline

 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Hello to all!

Have a moi function or tip to change (o reduce) the number of the control point of an imported spline?

Is necessary, for moi (like rhino) to have a same number of control point to have a good final surface?

MrBraun - Moderator

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3224.2 In reply to 3224.1 
Hi MrBraun,

> Have a moi function or tip to change (o reduce) the number of
> the control point of an imported spline?

There is a new Rebuild command in the Dec-19 v2 beta which will do that.

But there is no icon button for it yet, in order to launch it you need to set it up on a keyboard shortcut, or launch it by typing in the command name (push the Tab key first, then type Rebuild, then Enter).

> Is necessary, for moi (like rhino) to have a same number of
> control point to have a good final surface?

No, it's not necessary for curves to have the exact same number of points, for Lofting or stuff like that - not in Rhino either actually.

If you want to get a more simplified Loft result, there is a kind of rebuilding and simplification function already built directly into Loft though, it's the "Profiles" option. For example if you set it to Profiles: # Points, you can choose how many points to use in the Lofted result to get a more simple surface.

- Michael
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Tnx for the answer Michael! :)

Great technical support! :)

MrBraun - Moderator

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3224.4 In reply to 3224.3 
Hi MrBraun, no problem!

One thing I should also mention though is that if you have a curve that has sharp corners inside of it (something like a polyline or rectangle), then it is usually good for each Loft profile to have the same number of segments in it.

That's number of joined segments within the curve though (use Edit/Separate to break a curve into individual segments), not control point count.

When lofting a multi-segment curve like a polyline, if all the profiles have the same number of segment then each segment will get matched to one another.

- Michael
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Tnx again Michael! :)

MrBraun - Moderator

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