Hi Max3d,
Well I am refering to the "size" of things your working on.
So I work in inches. If the head is made at "40 inches" total, then that brings things like the little detail down to a specific size, and getting too small can be problematic.
Not sue the best way to describe what i'm asking. It's more like a starting point/ layout decision with regard to the ability to achieve the detail. Surely you can't just randomly pick "5 inches in length" and then expect all the little detail to be acheivable?
Perhaps it's just a decision to think in real term numbers and start with a head that is say, "a 10 ft. Robot" and then knowing that .25 inch filets are not unreasonable to ask of the system?
When I see you and PAQ make these great detail models, I just dont have a good grasp yet of how to start with regard to scaleing, to follow through with the model and have the ability to get down to the detail.
Let me know if this does not make sense.