Hi Rudl,
> Why must I split either the ground curve or both vertical curves.
Your original curve did not form a regular 2D pattern - Network has to unwrap the curves you give it into a 2D grid.
In your case, it looks like you have 2 curves that cross over each other and then come back to touch the same base curve.
Basically the curves you give Network need to be unfolded similar to how longitude and latitude lines on a globe are unfolded into a flat map. Now imagine if you had a single longitude line on the globe that touched the equator in more than one spot - that would not unwrap properly into a map... That's how your curves are set up.
Please see some of these previous threads for some more explanation and illustrations about this case:
> How can I make an opened shelled box;
Make a regular box, then select just the face that you want to have open, then run Shell.
The faces that you have selected when you run the Shell command will become the opening.
To select a face, you click a second time on a solid - the first click on a solid selects the whole object, and then a second click will "drill in" to select either edge or face sub-objects. In this case you want to select a face sub-object before running Shell.
- Michael