Hi Alex, well once an object is shaded it becomes darker where the light is not fully shining on it.
So for any object color like white, green, red, whatever - it is normal for it to not just be that full color in every spot or else that would not be how regular lighting works.
When the white color gets shaded to become darker, then that makes gray tones, just like a red color that gets shaded makes darker red tones.
Your object will be pure white at its brightest spot though, for example the spot indicated in red is pure white which you will be able to see if you load this image into a paint program and examine the rgb values:
Do you want to get a completely flat colored object with no shading at all, like this: ?
If so then in v2 that is possible by going to Options > Lighting options - set Lighting style: Custom key + fill levels, and type in a large value for the levels, like 100:
That will be the equivalent of having extra super intense lights shining on the objects leaving absolutely no shading or darkness at all.
One other thing to note - in v2 there is a new lighting engine that has multiple lights shining on your object so it provides illumination from more than only one angle and that helps to make objects brighter than they were in v1. MoI v1 only had lighting coming from one direction so there were larger dark areas there.
- Michael