quick select 'Unnamed' objects

 From:  Tipps (MATT_TIPPING)
Is there any way of, in a complex scene, to select all the Unnamed objects? I use Modo401 for rendering and on exporting LWO's of complex set-ups, that I have not bothered to name all objects, it would be useful. Just a thought?

I know you can select all named objects via the objects/styles tabs and RMB click the hide button, to isolate the 'Unnamed' but this can be slow with a lot of named objects.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3131.2 In reply to 3131.1 
Hi Matt,

> Is there any way of, in a complex scene, to select all
> the Unnamed objects?

It's possible to set up a script on a keyboard shortcut that will do this.

To set it up, go to Options > Shortcut keys and add in a new entry. Use whatever trigger key you want (maybe U for "unnamed"?) and then for the command part paste in the following:

script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; gd.deselectAll(); var objects = gd.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) { var obj = objects.item(i); if ( obj.name == '' ) { obj.selected = true; } }

Then when you hit that key you should end up with only all the unnamed objects selected.

One note - this version will not select any hidden or locked objects, those will remain hidden or locked. It would be possible to make the script show or unlock objects as well though if you wanted.

- Michael
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 From:  Tipps (MATT_TIPPING)
3131.3 In reply to 3131.2 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick action on the script. I think selecting only the active 'unnamed' is OK for now. And as a positive note I am spreading the good name of Moi to all my 3D contacts aroud the globe, they all love it!

Thanks again. Matt
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