Problem with Windows 7 64bit

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
The V2 beta works fine but some odd things in the workings of V1.

I tried to install the V1.1 upgrade but I get the messag "Unable to copy files. make sure MoI is not running"--which it isnt!

Help appreciated
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3119.2 In reply to 3119.1 
Hi Brian, well that error means that Windows reported that there was an error and copying the files from a temp folder into the actual program folder was not successful.

You may try doing a system restart and see if the updater can run after a fresh start.

Also one other thing you can try is to right-click on the updater and pick "Run as administrator" and see if that makes a difference.

If you are running a virus checker, you might also try disabling it temporarily - it's possible something like that could interfere with copying files.

Let me know if none of these things helps.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3119.3 In reply to 3119.2 
Thanks Michael

I had tried all those, but repeated them just to make sure.

Will get my son to check things out--he built the computer set up and is a guru--in the morning and get back to you.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3119.4 In reply to 3119.3 
Hi Brian, check your e-mail - I've sent you an alternate version there which may help.

Your new computer specs are looking really nice by the way, that should be a speedy machine for rendering.

- Michael
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
Hi Brian,

For me Win7 x64 and MoI Beta2 works fine. Check to see if there are restrictions in UAC, which do not allow copying from temp folder to programs dir.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3119.6 In reply to 3119.5 
Thanks Michael, that worked fine as far as I have checked.
(Will try to get my "Brian UI" to work on it!)

My new computer is blisteringly fast--amazing! I have been very spolt by my son who built it for me.

There are several other glitches with apps that worked ok with XP-----just annoying things I guess and are gradually being solved.
Thanks again
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