Moi to Blender export - Materials lost

 From:  Oliver (FRITZ57)
When exporting as "lwo" and importing into Blender via the Blender import script
all materials are lost ?! Some happens when exporting as "obj" with and w/o mtl file.
Any help appreciated.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3106.2 In reply to 3106.1 
Hi Oliver,

> When exporting as "lwo" and importing into Blender via the
> Blender import script all materials are lost ?!

That seems to be a limitation in the script - it was only written to bring in Points, Polygons, and UV mapping coordinates and does not try to read in any material assignments in the LWO file.

> Some happens when exporting as "obj" with and w/o mtl file.

Which OBJ importer were you using for Blender?

I have not tested it myself, but the one here:

Seems to say that it will read materials, you may need to set some option to enable it.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3106.3 In reply to 3106.1 
Hi Oliver, are you also possibly using an old version of Blender or something?

Over here doing a quick test with the default OBJ importer in Blender 2.49 seems to preserve materials fine for me.

Just make sure in MoI under Options > Import/Export > OBJ options, you have both "Write material assignments" and "Write .mtl file" enabled.

This in MoI:

Just using the default Blender OBJ import options which is like this:

Gives me this result in Blender:

- Michael

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 From:  Oliver (FRITZ57)
3106.4 In reply to 3106.3 
Hi Michael,
thanks again for your fast response, amazing !
Got it now (result below), missed the material checkbox on export.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3106.5 In reply to 3106.4 
That sure has turned out great Oliver!

- Michael
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