Forum Clunky, recommend PHPBB

 From:  GryphonAuto
PHPBB is completly free, very functional, relatively bug free, and easy to install. Go to for downloads and information. I realize that you already have discussions going on this forum, but in the long run it will be worth it to switch now.

- Jon
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 From:  Michael Gibson
31.2 In reply to 31.1 
I looked at PHPBB, but I don't really like the way that it works - I like the system where you have a list of topics in one frame along the left side, and then you can view the current thread in a separate frame on the right. That makes it much easier to read through a bunch of topics really quickly because you don't have to be constantly navigating back to the topic list...

Is there anything specific that you find clunky about this forum? If you let me know some specific things, I might be able to fix them up at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  hyltom
I don't know what's clunky mean but i agree that a phpbb forum will be more appreciated. Just because people are used to this successful environment forum. It' will be more natural to post any message or read any thread.

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 From:  Grendel
I agree with the phpbb, hopefully soon with more exposure the sidebar will fill up. With phpbb you could sort out bugs, creations, suggestions to different sub-forums to keep it all organized.
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 From:  GryphonAuto

Once your software gets big (and it will) your forum will reach the point it becomes unmanageable . . . people will start to show off their models, have modeling-technique questions, post tutorials, etc. You may be able to answer everyone’s questions right now, but in a month your forum traffic could easily quadruple or more.

What I would want out of a forum dedicated to modeling software is an organized support and discussion are where members keep it afloat. Start with like 3-5 categories, like Gallery, MOI Development, Modeling Techniques, and The Lounge. After a couple months you can split up those sectiosn of they become bloated.

Most people are used to PHPBB style forums, and some of the subtle features can actually become quite useful over time.

P.S. Use firefox to browse forums, the "Open in new tab" feature makes browsing so much easier.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
31.6 In reply to 31.5 
This forum will support different categories - right now there is only one, with the "General" heading, but I can add others as you describe.

I kind of wanted to wait for a little while before making separate categories. It was just a little bit too hard for me to guess what the categories should be before I see more of the traffic.

I like your suggestion of categories though, those do sound like some good choices.

This forum is based off of a board called "Beehive Forum", you can get an idea of how it will scale up by looking over at, there you can see the multiple categories on the left, and one of them has 9000 threads in it. I've changed it to slice out a bunch of stuff to try and make it a little more barebones and easier to use.

> P.S. Use firefox to browse forums, the "Open in new tab" feature makes browsing so much easier.

Yeah, that's what I do when I browse phpBB forums, but I just don't really like it, the topic list on the left and current thread on the right makes browsing between different threads to be just a single click...

I think I'm going to keep with this forum at least for a while and see how it goes...

Let me know if there are any very specific phpBB features that you'd like to see, it is possible that they might be among the stuff that I sliced out when streamlining this forum, and I could bring them back at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I am not sure that lost time to make a super forum is better than put the finish touch to MoI :)
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 From:  Herodes
Nothing is near phpBB,... but I am definately with [url=]UseBB[/url]. which is times faster than phpBB,... and easily extensible, customisable,...
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 From:  Pile
Me, i like very well this forum presentation.
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 From:  hyltom
One thing is really much better than PHPBB in this forum, is the attachment file system possibility.
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 From:  Spinner
31.11 In reply to 31.10 
Yes, I love the attachement option.
I'd like thumbnails for attachements visable though.
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 From:  Spinner
31.12 In reply to 31.11 
I feel the possability to illustrate within the body of your text would be very helpfull,
especialy with the visual nature of so many discussions here.
Linking to a remote hosted image (ala ImageShack) within your text, gets my vote.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
31.13 In reply to 31.12 
You can type in some HTML tags to do this, for instance, typing in this:

<img src="">

Will get you this:

- Michael
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 From:  Spinner
31.14 In reply to 31.13 
Ah, penny drops lol
I tried [URL] etc
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 From:  Chaduke
31.15 In reply to 31.14 
I really like this forum layout as well. It works well with the clean interface theme of the software.

I've used PhpBB and vBulletin extensively. PhpBB is good if you're looking for something free but at the same time have some extra time to work with it. You may have to look thru some less than precise documentation to do upgrades and add the modules you want and this can sometimes be quite frustrating. Not to mention, due to its popularity it gets hacked all the time, which is reason enough for me not to choose it for something important.

vBulletin costs a little and has great features out of the box and great support. You only need to look at cgsociety's forums to see that its been proven.

As good as both of those forums can be, I hate the default layout of clicking on the category, then getting a thread list, then clicking a thread to see a post, all the time switching to a completely different page. This layout feels so much less stressful to use. People should enjoy browsing the forum, not be annoyed by it. This one gets my vote.
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