MOI exprot to 3DMAX error

 From:  qibentie

I build a building use MOI, and Export 3DS to 3DMAX, but there is someting wrong with my four viewports : I can't see any edges, and can't select them in top front and side viewports---

Then I export OBJ to 3DMAX, and luckily I can see the edges but the faces are all damaged--

then I use Silo open the OBJ file expored from MOI and then save as 3DS then import to MAX and it turns OK,



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 From:  andras
3080.2 In reply to 3080.1 
Yes, I can confirm this issue. But never mind.

I use Blender3d first and than I export in Blender again to 3ds or OBJ. The result gonna be fine, dont worry.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3080.3 In reply to 3080.1 
Hi qibentie, a couple of things you can try:

- When exporting from MoI in OBJ format, set the Export: option to Export: Quads & Triangles instead of Export:N-gons. Some programs do not deal with complex n-gons very well and can make messy results when attempting to triangulate them.

- When exporting from MoI try unchecking the "Weld vertices along edges" option, some programs also have difficulty reading in OBJ files that are welded.

- Also when using MoI v2, try using the FBX export for going into 3DS Max rather than OBJ or 3DS. 3DS is generally good to avoid since it is a very old format (it comes from the ancient MS-DOS version of 3D Studio way before 3DS Max) and has many limitations in it.

Also when using FBX make sure you install the latest FBX import plugin for Max, the default shipped ones for several Max versions are buggy. You can get updated FBX importers from here:

FBX is what I would recommend trying first actually.

Please let me know if none of that helps.

- Michael
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Message 3080.4 deleted 10 Nov 2009 by QIBENTIE

 From:  qibentie
3080.5 In reply to 3080.3 

I use "Weld vertices alone edges" ON, "N-gones" to OBJ not good
I use "Weld vertices alone edges" OFF, "N-gones" to OBJ not good
I use "Weld vertices alone edges" ON, "Quads& TRiangles" to OBJ good but I don't like the Triangle faces---
I use "Weld vertices alone edges" OFF, "Quads& TRiangles" to OBJ good but I don't like the Triangle faces---

USE FBX is all OK---- Thanks-- I Learned more--
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3080.6 In reply to 3080.5 
Hi qibentie, you're welcome, I'm glad that you have a good solution with FBX now!

It looks like Max's OBJ importer just is not able to handle complex n-gon shapes.

I don't know why, but Autodesk did not seem to make any effort on improving their OBJ importer for many many years. But they have been active in improving the FBX importer. That's specifically why I added FBX export support to MoI, since Max just does not seem to do a very good job with their importers for other formats.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
so it was FBX + Ngones ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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