an fillet problem

 From:  andras

Here is an often experienced Fillet probleme.

I am just take a test about rounded section only but I intend to fillet the whole seam in-out as well .(this is an door).
I have ever already experienced on my models, just in this case, according to my knowledge nothing justify the result... I think there is enough space for creating the 0,5 value. (this model is multiplied/scaled with 100, so the initial one would be 0,5cm but this is 0,5m)


currently I tried with solid bodies and this case the fillet works properly.

EDITED: 7 Nov 2009 by ANDRAS


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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
3067.2 In reply to 3067.1 
Hi andras,

Zoom in on the edge indicated by the red circle.
You will see an error.
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