overlapping clapboards?

 From:  shokan
I'm considering MoI for making intricate Victorian house models with all the ornamentation, such as ornate wooden turned railings, brackets, arched windows, etc. The first issue is simple clapboard siding. Is this achiervable in MoI? Here's a sample house that would be on the less ornate end, but one that shows curved and flat wall clapboards.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3053.2 In reply to 3053.1 
Hi shokan - well MoI does not have any special "Clapboard" command that would automatically just coat an object with boards like that.

You would need to do something like model one board and then duplicate it or something like that. It would probably take quite a bit of work to do that.

You may want to check out some other programs that are focused more exclusively on architecture, they may have some specific tools for that kind of stuff.

Some rendering and animation type programs are also more focused on replicating one object in mass quantities, so one of those types of programs may be better suited for that particular task. I think LWCAD has a bunch of stuff for this in particular, check out: http://www.wtools3d.com/swf/online_help/LWCAD_30/shingles/shingles.htm .

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3053.3 In reply to 3053.2 
Or you could just model the walls as a solid instead of a bunch od individual boards.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
3053.4 In reply to 3053.1 
Clapboard is an array by nature. So using the array function in MoI, it's not hard. But, if you were going to do this a whole lot in 1 drawing, it can get CPU heavy. For rendering, a bump map is better (but yet a whole other can of worms). Shown is 8" siding with a 7" reveal.

PS-I've hung a square or two of clapboard in my day (in real life, I mean). ;-)

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