
 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

I have just discovered that Rhino blocks don't show in MoI unless they are exploded first.

Is this likely to change?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3049.2 In reply to 3049.1 
Hi Eric,

> I have just discovered that Rhino blocks don't show in MoI
> unless they are exploded first.
> Is this likely to change?

Not for MoI v2, but I could look into it for v3.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3049.3 In reply to 3049.2 
Thanks Michael.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3049.4 In reply to 3049.3 
Hi Eric, so I guess the question about blocks is, would you actually prefer for MoI to automatically explode blocks read from 3DM files?

If I do that, that could possibly prevent a good "round tripping" experience back and forth between Rhino and MoI as well, since all your blocks would be exploded and no longer be blocks when you opened the file back up in Rhino again.

Would that be useful actually, or cause problems?

I guess to really do the right thing would mean to support blocks in MoI as well. I do want to try something along those lines in the future but I'm not exactly sure when that will happen. Also I'm not entirely sure that following the AutoCAD model so exactly for blocks like Rhino does is really the best way to go or not.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3049.5 In reply to 3049.4 
Hi Michael

In the past I have found that 'block' oriented plug-ins caused more difficulties than they resolved.

I keep hoping that won't continue to be true ... but I think I get better results modeling architectural stuff directly and inserting details from my own library of things I build myself ... tied into my own layering or styles system.

Please go slow with this ... and avoid the AutoCAD model if you can. I used it for nearly 25 years and am relieved to be more independent.

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