2d logo to 3d for website

 From:  pnoland
Nothing fancy but I took my bands 2d logo into MOI3d...exported to convert to voxels in 3dcoat and then exported to zbrush to finish and render. Moi made this process so easy for me, it was fun to make. :)

MOI Screen shot:

Finished header for www.emisismusic.com (I'm the 2nd image from the left with the backwards hat :P)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Hey cool !
I will make publicity on French sites of Moi, Zbrush, and 3D Coat ;)
How named your music, Rock, Hard rock, Metal...?

EDITED: 21 Sep 2009 by PILOU

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 From:  pnoland
2935.3 In reply to 2935.2 
Thanks! I would say we are hard rock. :)
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 From:  PaQ
2935.4 In reply to 2935.3 
Hi pnoland,

Well color wise I prefer the 2d version, you've lost all the constrat/saturation from the drawing.
The 3D MoI version looks cool, maybe it's something about the lighting I don't know.
You should try to add some depth to it now, like 'real' green flames using a particle systeme, or even in the 3d model ...
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 From:  pnoland
2935.5 In reply to 2935.4 
I was tempted to try to do flames in Houdini actually...I just have to learn how first. :P I'll play around with a few versions this week.
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 From:  pnoland
2935.6 In reply to 2935.5 
Been a while but I did update the color a little bit on the logo. http://www.emisismusic.com The other guys in the band like it so I think we're sticking to this for now :)
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