Line Types and Styles

 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael,

Your progress with MoI is truly amazing. I'm now using it for almost all my preliminary architectural modeling and basic 2d layouts.

I am hoping that you will add 2d line types and styles (like dashed lines and line weights) that are Rhino compatible in a future version ???? I don't expect to see this in ver 2, by the way.

Keep up the good work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2926.2 In reply to 2926.1 
Hi Eric, thanks I'm glad that MoI is useful to you for early stage drawing.

That has been a big focus area in MoI to make that stage of things happen fluidly and quickly.

I definitely do intend to have some line types and style in the future, but I'm not quite sure exactly how it will work out yet. It may be something a bit more like an illustration style thing but I will also see about trying to maintain compibility with Rhino for at least some basic stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2926.3 In reply to 2926.2 
Hi Michael ..

Here is what I would like to be able to do ...

Set up a template drawing in Rhino that would establish layers including layer, color, linetype and line thickness. Then switch to MoI to do the actual layout work and the modeling (using styles to insure layer integrity) ... then switch back to Rhino and have the styles (all of the above) stick per the original (even though they did not show up in MoI during the work in progress). Then I could use Rhino for final dimensioning and odds and ends that Rhino does really well ... including final rendering.

I hope this makes sense and you can glean the intent.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2926.4 In reply to 2926.3 
Hi Eric, yes I see what you mean and that kind of "round trip" of all layer properties that were set in Rhino should be feasible for me to do in MoI v3.

That part will be possible to do quite a bit before having the actual linetypes more built in to MoI (part of the MoI display and settable within MoI, etc...) which is what I was more referring to previously.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2926.5 In reply to 2926.4 
Hi Michael ..

That's good news.

And thanks!

Rhino is now my primary 2d drafting program and rendering tool so the 'round trip' approach will be most helpful to me.

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