Hi Pilou,
> About the transparency : if you display the object one
> frame by two at more 20 ps by second
> you will obtain for the eye 50% of transparency
> without touch the render!
That would tend to make more of a flickering appearance rather than a really proper transparent looking one.
The other problem with that would be a requirement to be constantly re-rendering the entire scene at all moments even if nothing had changed, that would cause things like MoI to consume a lot of CPU time even when it was just sitting there.
Currently MoI only redraws the scene when something has changed and the display needs to be updated to reflect the change. If you just sit there and do nothing, the display does not need to be redrawn which is good because it does not take up any CPU/GPU resources right then.
> About the collision it's not "physic engine"
> just have possibility to modify a cube inside a sphere locked ;)
Instead of locking, it is better to instead use hiding for a sphere that is getting in the way.
If you hide the sphere that is getting in the way then you can much more easily work on modifying the cube inside of it.
> Seems yet possible?
Yes, there are other ways to select the "inside cube" - you can do a window select, "select all", or use the scene browser for example.
But really the best way is to hide things that are getting in your way, rather than locking for that case.
If you need to hide and show the same object repeatedly, it is a good idea to give it a name, then you can use the scene browser to target it easily with one click in the "Objects" section.
At some point in the future I may be able add something like making locking have a transparency effect, but like I mentioned it will take some time before there is a proper working transparency mechanism.
- Michael