Merge Command

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I've been using the merge command lately to clean up edges after some boolean and trim operations, it works great! until this situation;
I made a sphere, boolean difference in half with a line in the center, parallel to the sphere seam.
Then shelled the half sphere and merged the inside edge and the outside edge.

When merging the inside edge the inside surface converges towards one of the poles.

When merging the outside edge the outside surface disappears, but the half sphere is still a solid, if we fillet that outside edge the outside surface re-appears.

This doesn't happen when the line used for the boolean is perpendicular to the sphere seam.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2875.2 In reply to 2875.1 
Hi Danny, thanks for reporting this - yup it appears that Merge has a problem fusing edges that cross right over the pole of a surface like a sphere.

I'll need to think about it a bit, but I think that the fix will probably be that Merge will have to skip those points and not try to merge them, because you can't really have a single continuous UV curve in that case. When you cross the pole you are going from one side of UV space to the opposite side very abruptly.

- Michael
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