Problem with Windows 7

 From:  Jerno_Bill

have a little problem with MoI and Windows 7.
If you look at the attachment, you will see that there is no button for "OK" or "CANCLE".

Is there another way to confirm the lincense key?

Greetz Dennis
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
2835.2 In reply to 2835.1 
I think that this is due to version 1.0 and has been patched.

What version of MOI are you trying to install?
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 From:  Jerno_Bill
1.0, but at my other PC (VISTA is running on it) it works fine!
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2835.4 In reply to 2835.1 
Hi Dennis,

I think this is related to a bug in IE 8 in Windows 7 RC , as Phil mentions there is a patch available for MoI V1 to fix this.
You can find a related post here

Patch download here Version 1.0 to 1.1 update

If symptoms persist see you local MG ;)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2835.5 In reply to 2835.4 
Yup, Danny has it correct above, thanks Danny!

Yes it's due to IE8 - your other vista machine is working fine probably because it has IE7 installed on it and not IE8.

You need to install that version 1.1 update from the link that Danny posted above, to get MoI v1 to work on a system where IE8 has been installed.

- Michael
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 From:  Jerno_Bill
Thank you all guys! The patch fixed the problem!
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