bounding box > curve script

 From:  Nick (BODINI)
Any chance of a script that creates actual lines from the bounding box info?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2792.2 In reply to 2792.1 
Hi Nick, there is a bug in the current v2 beta for scripting bounding boxes, so there isn't any way to do it with the current one.

But for the next beta I've added in a new "BoundingBox" command, that will let you construct a bounding frame around the selected objects.

If you have objects that are all one the same axis-aligned plane like curves drawn in the Top view, it will build a bounding rectangle otherwise it builds a solid box. If you want lines from the solid box, you can select its edges and do a copy/paste.

Also I added a similar "BoundingBoxCenter" command that creates a point at the center of those bounds instead of the frame itself.

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
2792.3 In reply to 2792.2 
Thanks for your attention. Sounds great. Looking forward to it (or rather looking forward to NOT having opening Rhino just to use this type of script) :-).

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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
2792.4 In reply to 2792.2 
Nice! They work now with the Aug 08 2009 beta.

Just add them to your shortcuts and away you go.


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