
 From:  BurrMan
This is a good spot to bring up the commandprocessor.exe.
If Moi.exe is killed unexpectedlyduring a command, it can leave a couple of these hanging around. Seemed they only hold a small bit of mem. Hard to beleive you dont know so I was just interested. Was there no way to clean this up with an unexpected exit? (did I bring this up already???) And is it fairly harmless untill a logout?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2751.2 In reply to 2751.1 
Hi Burr, yeah those are harmless, they will just be left over and not doing anything if you forcibly terminate moi.exe rather than doing a regular program exit. You can terminate them too if you want without anything bad happening.

Is there some problem that you're running into where you are finding it necessary to often terminate moi.exe forcibly through the Windows Task Manager rather than through a more regular program shut down?

But I think it should not be difficult to make those automatically go away if moi.exe is terminated, I'll take a look.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2751.3 In reply to 2751.2 
It was more just for bringing it to your attn. I often try crazy stuff that MoI tries to calculate and sometimes if you get 10 minutes into a calculation and want to cancel, you may just have to wait another 10 for MoI to cleanup (or not), so I just force the issue.

I can see someone building up a few of those so I was just wondering. harmless.

Also for my own knowledge if there was some reason that garbage cleanup couldnt be done between the to procs when killed.

Just trying to do some beta with you instead of just using you as my modeling teacher! :O

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2751.4 In reply to 2751.3 
Hi Burr,

> Also for my own knowledge if there was some reason that
> garbage cleanup couldnt be done between the to procs
> when killed.

Well, the tricky part with that kind of termination is that the regular cleanup stuff done at normal program exit by moi.exe is not done, because that moi.exe process just gets stopped in its tracks and nuked.

So the cleanup logic for handling that actually has to go in the moi_commandprocessor.exe process instead.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2751.5 In reply to 2751.3 
Hi Burr, I've tuned this up for the next release to behave better.

Now if you terminate moi.exe with the Windows Task Manager, any associated command processor .exes that are associated with it will also get cleaned up after a possible short delay of up to 3 seconds.

Thanks for reporting it!

- Michael
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