Are there selection glitches?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2734.11 In reply to 2734.10 
Hi Dave,

> I've run into several APIs that don't seem to do what they say
> they do, and a couple of others that cause consistent crashes.
> Should I be running these by you, or do you expect that to be
> the case for some of the things in the API?

It would be great to know about these. That's not too surprising that could happen if you were using a method in some different way from what other parts of MoI currently do.

But it is not expected that using a script method should crash MoI. Script errors or asserts possibly, but not crashes. A full on crash is likely to be a bug that should be fixed up in MoI.

> I'm also spotting some things that I think are omissions from
> the API in terms of making the API generally useful to third party
> developers. I assume that in some cases you only put in support for
> things you knew you needed to handle from the script level, and left
> out support for things you could handle completely at the C/C++ level.

Yeah the script API is not as comprehensive as the internal C++ api in certain areas, it's not really intended that scripts would do heavy calculations though, they're more used for controlling program flow, UI, and glue logic.

At some point in the future I'd like to set up a C++ SDK as well that would expose more detailed geometry stuff which could be used for doing custom heavier calculations. I'm not sure exactly when that will happen though, since it will require a lot of work.

> In any case, the question is: are you interested in filling in the API
> gaps, if indeed there are any?

Certainly! But some things may take a while before I can get to them, if they are relatively complex.

Generally I've been filling in more stuff in the script API as needed in order to make scripts for user-requested functions, like get the end point of a curve, stuff like that.

- Michael
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