Zbrush / Imp OBJ

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Some infos I have asked to the Zbrush team;)

< Does it possible to reload in ZBrush a file format OBJ directly with the informations of the MTL file for have colors?

< No, ZBrush can't load the colors. It simply ignores the materials part of the files.
It will make new polygroups according to the materials, if you switch on 'Import Mat as Groups' in the Preferences>Importexport submenu.

So except Zbrush Moi OBJ system works fine for the colors (but you have the polygroups) ;)
Here Blender

Here Zbrush

EDITED: 24 Jun 2009 by PILOU


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 From:  WillBellJr
The only app I tried last nite was Cinema 4D (XL R10.5) - the colors didn't come over but the seperate materials and selection sets came in fine. It was a simple matter of just changing the diffuse color of the materials back to the rgb I had assigned in MoI.

I tried it with leaving the .mtl file next to the obj and with it in a "Texture" and "Tex" folder - didn't make a difference.

Have to try Lightwave next.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2716.3 In reply to 2716.2 
Hi Will,

> The only app I tried last nite was Cinema 4D (XL R10.5) - the
> colors didn't come over but the seperate materials and
> selection sets came in fine.

Thanks for testing it! Yeah, I noticed that too, and I looked around and saw other previous discussion threads online about that with other software - it seems to be a limitation of the default Cinema4D OBJ importer that it does not bring in the color definitions from the .mtl file.

For example:

But yeah the actual assignments to the proper material names are all set up, so that's good though since that is kind of the main thing and you will likely be modifying a bunch of other things on the actual material definitions anyway.

If you do find that some other application's OBJ can import into Cinema4D with colors successfully please send it over to me so I can take a look at how it is structured. But I think it's likely that it will have the same problem.

There is an alternate OBJ importer plugin for Cinema4D which may solve this problem called Riptide, it may be worth a try if you really want the actual colors to come over also:

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
Hi Michael, yes, I was going to say I'll give Riptide a try - just did, yep, colors come in fine! ;-)

I've been holding off on a lot of my modeling until you got the surface defs in - I'm straight now!

A lot of the apps I've been collecting should all fall in place now - I definitely need to practice up on my UV mapping and texturing...

Thanks so much for the time and talent you've put into MoI!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2716.5 In reply to 2716.4 
Hi Will, that's great news that Riptide works for that!

Yup, definitely having styles as part of the export process can help to reduce a lot of work since there is now a way to have your model organization information come through to the renderer.

It should help to just generally make MoI less isolated from your render workflow.

Definitely a lot of people have been waiting for this part, I'm glad that it is in there now.

> Thanks so much for the time and talent you've put into MoI!

You're very welcome!

- Michael
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