> I certainly would not mind, I would appreciate it!
> I would be able to add some tips/suggestions/corrections/etc to something like that.
Great! I've already made a pretty good start (I think) in creating a nicely cross-linked web page (automatically generated by a script, so it should be easy to maintain) that shows all of the Javascript accessible MoI classes/methods/properties/enums.
Since the page uses lots of custom CSS and Javascript, it probably won't work within the MoI wiki framework. Right now I'm running it locally on my machine, but I'll copy it to my web site in the next couple of days and post the link so you and the rest of the community can take a look and give me some feedback.
I'm still working through the data and control flow MoI uses to implement the UI and command system, but I think I've been making good progress there too. I've got some ideas on how to automatically extract some useful information there as well, which I need to further explore. Overall, it looks like the MoI infrastructure is just as cool as the app itself, and certainly seems to allow for lots of user customization and extension.
Depending upon how things go, I'll probably have a few big picture questions, and lots of detail oriented questions, for you at some point. But as of now I'm pretty sure I can make a first cut at producing a usable set of "Scripting MoI" documentation without having to ask you any more questions. Simply a matter of proper "time management" on my part (I keep getting sidetracked using MoI to model stuff, it's just so much fun :-) ...
Dave Morrill