Shortcuts Problem V2

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
Hope I am not duplicating a thread.

A lot of the shortcuts do not appear to be working in the latest beta?
See the screen grab.
Advice appreciated.

I note that others have been voicing some of the things I have been suggesting--but, even so, some very nice things that are part way to some are included in this new Beta.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2714.2 In reply to 2714.1 
Hi Brian, sorry I need to put out the script copier, I'll do that a bit later today. That will take care of that problem when I post it.

> I note that others have been voicing some of the
> things I have been suggesting

Yup, I've seen that - I hope you've seen my replies to all of them as well - I really wish that I could do every single request all right now but just try to keep in mind that I do not have superhuman abilities to do more than 24 hours of work in a single day.

So some things just will take time before I can get to them, especially if they require a lot of work but only provide kind of non-critical convenience factor.

If you find a way for me to accomplish more than 24 hours of work in a single day, then please let me know! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2714.3 In reply to 2714.2 
Thanks Michael

"I hope you've seen my replies to all of them as well "

Michael, really, no.

I just pop in from time to time. Mainly looking for the new beta!

It's like this, I call not user friendly, script idea which still drives me crazy.
They should all be there in a simple, coordinated, suggested keystroke, list--just like the shortcuts---well, which they are!??
(I don't use LW for a similar reason---10 thousand plugins with unrelated to usage names, stuck here there and everywhere!--a tom, dick and harry app I feel!----XSI puts it to shame!)
I don't have to go down this path with any other app and the time/complexity---I have better things to do.

I keep on trying!

I really am too old----things need to be simple. (My wife does not take much notice of me any more!)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2714.4 In reply to 2714.3 
Hi Brian, well we've been over this seems like a dozen times before....

I really wish that I could produce a nice shortcut key editor for you, but it takes a lot of time and effort to do that.

Right now there are just too many other things like bug fixes, improvements to file exports, etc... which are currently a higher priority.

If I spent a month working on a wonderful shortcut key editor, it would mean a month of not working on these other higher priority areas. That is just simply not feasible for me to do right now, sorry!

> I don't have to go down this path with any other app and
> the time/complexity---I have better things to do.

I can certainly understand if MoI is not a good fit for you - it sounds like you would probably be better off using those other apps and staying away from MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2714.5 In reply to 2714.3 
Hi Brian, I just posted the script copier utility function here:

If you run that, it should copy the script files that your shortcuts are trying to use over to the new beta's folder.

After you run it, your keyboard shortcuts that were hooked up to those scripts should then work in the new beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2714.6 In reply to 2714.5 
Thanks Michael.

Does the attached help in explaining a potential future approach ?
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2714.7 In reply to 2714.6 
Does this--stage 2--- help to tell the "New Users Understanding Problems"?

Hope of value

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2714.8 In reply to 2714.6 
Hi Brian,

> Does the attached help in explaining a potential future approach ?

Yup, that idea is clear.

Hopefully in the future sometime I will be able to find the time to work on that.

It's hard to know exactly when though - it will probably take a while.

Unfortunately I just do not have a whole lot of time available to me, there are also a lot of other things that I am working on.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2714.9 In reply to 2714.7 
Hi Brian,

> Does this--stage 2--- help to tell the "New Users
> Understanding Problems"?

Actually, I don't quite follow you on this part though - what you are showing there are a bunch of customized keyboard shortcuts that you have added in yourself.

New users don't see the same list that you show there.

But yes, in the future it would be nice to make improvements to the shortcut key mechanism though, right now it is definitely pretty bare bones. Usually most people don't spend a whole lot of time in that part of the program UI though.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2714.10 In reply to 2714.9 
Yes, I would think so also.

Bit crazy that when you try to find/use a short cut you can't understand what it's supposed to do---which one does what?.

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