Is this a bug?

 From:  s7r83dg3
So I thought I'd model a diamond. Started with a Star (8-Gon). Deleted everything exept 1 triangle and used axis-rotate and then circular array. Then I tried to join those rotated and arrayed triangles together but the corner points don't match anymore !=?? I never touched those points.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2706.2 In reply to 2706.1 
I make that you describe and no problem of any sort for me ;)

EDITED: 22 Jun 2009 by PILOU


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 From:  s7r83dg3
2706.3 In reply to 2706.2 
Errm Axis rotate, not rotate ... I don't know how to make a screenshot on windows.

/ <- triangle
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2706.4 In reply to 2706.3 
Same result after an axis rotation ;)
Post your 3dm file!

A screen shot = Press Key "Print screen"
Open your favorite 2D prog and past it inside

EDITED: 22 Jun 2009 by PILOU


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 From:  s7r83dg3
2706.5 In reply to 2706.4 
ok I see, now try to add a line to make a complete triangle and join it. That doesn't even work with a flat star,,,
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2706.6 In reply to 2706.5 
Sorry no problem again ;)
Post your 3DM!!!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2706.7 In reply to 2706.6 
Hi s7r83dg3, I'm not sure if I am following this thread - did you solve your problem?

If not, please let me know.

Like Pilou mentions, if you can please attach a 3DM model file with your curves in it which are giving you problems, that would help even more than a screenshot to illustrate the problem because then we could open up the file and examine your geometry.

- Michael
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 From:  s7r83dg3
2706.8 In reply to 2706.7 
What it boils down to is that i cannot join 3 (2-point) lines in 1 single point. 2 of them will connect, the third will be alone. Surfacing still works so maybe it's not a problem.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2706.9 In reply to 2706.8 
Hi s7r83dg3 - yes that's correct. One of the big focus areas for joining curves is to form a closed loop that will define a region, so that an inside and outside of the region is defined.

So because of that, joining curves is focused on gluing 2 segments that touch each other end-to-end (and continuing like this to form a linked chain going in a single direction).

When you have something like 3 segments that radiate out from a single point, those cannot be all joined to one another because it would not form a single oriented chain.

So this part of how curves work is not like how a polygon modeler works where you have just a bunch of points and then you connect them together with polygons any which way you want.

Several kinds of operations in MoI will make use of a closed region to do various things, like if you have a closed curve and extrude it, it will automatically get capped. If you have a closed curve and you use it as a boolean cutter, it will carve a hole in the other object. That's because a closed curve is able to then define a closed volume and act as a solid.

If you're still having problems with your lines, could you please post a 3DM file with what you are working with, that would help to give you some specific suggestions.

Some things that may apply are to possibly to duplicate one segment by copy/paste if you want to make 2 closed loops that touch each other along one segment, or if you are doing some kind of an array to arrange pieces you may want to join together your source piece into a closed curve first before doing the array.

- Michael
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