MoI & Solid++

 From:  Anis
Hello Michael....

Today nPower release POWER NURBS version 6.
Is there any corelation or effect to modeling kernel that used by MoI ?

Open this pdf files show me the strength of Solid++ :

MoI use Solid++, so this mean those advance features ( show at above pdf ) will be available also in MoI in the feature ?

Thank You !!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2692.2 In reply to 2692.1 
Hi Anis - actually most of the things that you linked to in those PDF files are already available in MoI using its current Solids++ version.

None of those PDFs that you show there are actually talking about new features in Power NURBS v6, all of those are older PDFs that have been around for many years already.

For example in the filleting white paper, those kinds of constant-radius fillets and linear chamfers that are shown can be done right now in MoI.

Also for blending, MoI has a Blend command to do that operation, look under the Construct tab.

Similarly, MoI already offers nearly all of the stuff in the Sweep white paper already using its Construct / Sweep command.

So for the most part, the stuff you are asking about there is already in MoI.

There are some pieces that I have not yet had a chance to make a UI for, which I do expect to expose in the future such as variable radius fillets.

There are a few other pieces such as derivative surfaces that don't have a particularly good workflow, they're just more oriented towards a kind of "waving the mouse around to bulge things around", not particularly that useful really. So a couple of things in there are not really planned to expose in MoI because they are kind of a little strange and probably other mechanisms in the future such as subdivision surfaces would be much better overall at what they are generally trying to do.

But your question is rather overly broad, since much of what you link to is already in MoI - do you have any questions about some more specific features?

- Michael
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 From:  neo
2692.3 In reply to 2692.2 
>So a couple of things in there are not really planned to expose in MoI because they are kind of a little strange and probably other mechanisms in the future such as subdivision surfaces would be much better overall at what they are generally trying to do.

did you just said subdivision surfaces? I wish I could see the future :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2692.4 In reply to 2692.3 
Hi neo,

> did you just said subdivision surfaces? I wish I
> could see the future :)

Me too... ;) I don't have any exact plans set up yet, but I would certainly like to have a subdivision surface type mechanism as another option for surfacing in MoI at some point in the future.

Right now I do not really have any idea when that will happen though , it might be v5 or v6 or something like that...

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2692.5 In reply to 2692.4 
Hard to imagine what "MoI 20/20" will be like. (Pun intended)

It will have the new "just ThinkIt" command. Imagine your surface....There it is!

Note to self....Install wireless probe in temple for communication with future MoI's. :O
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 From:  Anis
2692.6 In reply to 2692.2 
Hi Michael....

After read again carefully, yes....
Most of the features in the pdf already in MoI.

So there is no direct positive impact for MoI because of the latest relaese of POWER NURBS ?

Thanks Michael...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2692.7 In reply to 2692.6 
Hi Anis,

> So there is no direct positive impact for MoI because of
> the latest relaese of POWER NURBS ?

No, not that I'm aware of. Looking at their press release, the features they mention for this release are things like working with the latest version of Max, and integration with other 3DS Max specific stuff. Those are things that are happening with their Max plugin, those are not related to geometry kernel level changes.

But I did get a couple of kernel bug fixes recently though, for surface/surface intersection problems report on the forum recently here and here - those are fixed in the next upcoming beta.

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
hi michael scaling curve for blend is nice could do a lot with it

and construction of 4 points sphere
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 From:  Jason (JCLARK)
Perhaps for subdivision, you may find integrating T-Splines an alternative? Not integrate perse but open the app for the plugin?
- Jason
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2692.10 In reply to 2692.9 
Hi Jason - I would like to support 3rd party plugins to extend MoI at some point.

It's not a particularly easy area to leap into though, because it takes a substantial amount of work to make that happen, both in producing documentation for developers as well as support for developers.

Since I'm only a single person working on all different aspects of MoI, it can be difficult for me to get into areas that will require a substantial investment of time. It would take limited resources away from other areas such as working on basic features for end-users rather than developers.

I do want to get into it in the future, just right now I've placed a higher priority on a number of end-user focused type features first.

In the long run, having a nice refined platform that has been through a lot of end-user focused tuning first will be a good thing though, and should help to make for better plugins eventually.

- Michael


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