any CAD import supoort?

 From:  andras
Hello Michael !

Currently I started to work on a new architectural competition concept...It's time to try the styles. Therefore I came to mind maybe some Dwg or any autocad format support (rather DWG) would be good for moi like in rhino. I dont understand the progaming but I think that import of the poligonal based format integration would not be so hard (yes I know; the time). I think some engineers who use this application would love these features; autocad shape,solid support and line, spline support as well. What about?
If Maybe there are some simmilar thread sorry.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2679.2 In reply to 2679.1 
Hi Andras - with MoI v2 you can use the SAT format to move both solid and curve data back and forth between AutoCAD and MoI.

Unfortunately DWG is not a publicly documented format, so it can be more difficult for me to work with that format. In the future at some point I may be able to do something for it but I'm not sure exactly when that might happen.

But SAT format should work for you right now with the current MoI v2 beta.

The only thing that may be an issue is all your objects will come into AutoCAD as spline curve or "BODY" entities, rather than special purpose entities such as a LINE or CIRCLE entity. Things like snaps, etc... still should work fine on them though. But if that is an issue for you, you might want to check out Sycode's 3DM import plugin for AutoCAD, it could possibly help:

- Michael
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 From:  andras
2679.3 In reply to 2679.2 
and DXF? (I think all the same DXF has worse conversion, but)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2679.4 In reply to 2679.1 
Hi Andras - one thing I forgot to mention though is that styles will not transfer through SAT right now. It may be possible for me to add to some extent, not quite sure yet.

If you want to have style information preserved and come into AutoCAD as layers, possibly that Sycode 3DM import plugin for AutoCAD may handle that currently for curves though.

But you should be able to transfer you geometry back and forth with SAT at least.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2679.5 In reply to 2679.3 
Hi andras,

> and DXF? (I think all the same DXF has worse conversion, but)

Actually DXF can contain all the exact same data in it as DWG, the only real drawback is that it is stored as a plain text file so it can be larger in size on disk.

DXF is a lot more documented than DWG so it has a much better possibility.

However, there is still one major area in DXF that is not documented, which is how NURBS solids data is stored - it's just a big glob of "proprietary" encoded data in the text file. So it's pretty much the same as DWG as far as solids transfer goes.

- Michael
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