Bravo Michael!

 From:  JTB
First of all, thanks for the christmas gift :)
The array function rocks!
The 3ds output is perfect, I just think it is a bit slower than the obj translation, maybe it's me...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
267.2 In reply to 267.1 
> First of all, thanks for the christmas gift :)

You're welcome!

> The array function rocks!


> The 3ds output is perfect, I just think it is a bit slower than the obj translation, maybe it's me...

They should be pretty close, but the .obj export can be quite slow as well. It does quite a bit of number crunching to try and get as clean of a mesh as possible. I'm probably not going to worry too much about speeding this part up since you don't normally have to export too frequently. But I am planning on adding in some way to cancel it so you can bail out if it is taking too long.

- Michael
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