preserving layer hierarchies

 From:  okapi
could you add nested layers for styles ?
I just noticed that this information is lost when imported files from Rhino that have layers inside layers.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2665.2 In reply to 2665.1 
Hi okapi, I'm not really planning on hierarchies in styles - it will be Groups in MoI that I'm planning on having set up with parent/child nested hierarchies.

But I would like to add in something to "round trip" any existing layer hierarchy information that you had from the original Rhino file.

Unfortunately it is not very easy for me to do that right now, because I'm currently using the OpenNURBS v3 library for reading and writing 3DM files, and layer hierarchies were not added in until Rhino v4. Currently Rhino will not try to read the layer hierarchy information from a v3 3DM file which is what MoI currently writes out.

So I will need to switch to use the OpenNURBS v4 library to make that work properly. But I am pretty near the end of the MoI v2 beta cycle now, it is not really a good idea to make such a major change this late in the game.

So preserving the Rhino v4 hierarchies will need to be something that I can look into for MoI v3.

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
2665.3 In reply to 2665.2 
Hi Michael,
thanks for the info; that is too bad about the v4 vs v3 compatibility.
Do you think there will be a way to translate layer hierarchies from Rhino into Group hierarchies in Moi, or is this too complicated at this point in time?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2665.4 In reply to 2665.3 
Hi okapi,

> Do you think there will be a way to translate layer hierarchies
> from Rhino into Group hierarchies in Moi, or is this too
> complicated at this point in time?

I don't think it would really fit that well.... For example the layers in Rhino have things like a color assigned to the layer, but a group in MoI won't have a specific color assigned to it, they are going to be more of a generic container.

Also the way I want to make groups work in MoI, there won't be a restriction for each object to only belong to a single group, an object will be able to belong to many different groups. So that does not fit well with the limitation in Rhino layers where an object can only be assigned to be "on" just one specific layer.

It kind of seemed like styles were generally closer to layers in Rhino. Until Rhino version 4.0 there was no hierarchy in Rhino layers, that is a relatively new thing in Rhino.

- Michael
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