I would like to talk about a serious thing. What will happen If I create for example a car, or other industrial design and an other company glance that and finally copy that and start to make... But I dont want to prove ... Is there any law what is protect our virtual models against these kind of companies?
OR another perception...
I created "that" and I must erase these feelings and thoughts and feel that somebody bring my art into the real world. And I may not consider these view... just only keep in mind that the original artist was Me.
I'm not completely certain what you mean, but certain persons sends themselves copies (disks or cd, dvd, etc) by registered mail and then keep the envelope sealed.
It proves they have produced this work in this certain period.
Post in many forum the "Work in Progress" and in a web site can maybe a piece of evidence because there is a date and many people have seen your works ;)
And this gives you some celebrity and this is very difficult to fight ;)
Try to rip off the Nixus of Cristobal Vila http://www.etereaestudios.com/docs_html/nixus_htm/nixus_index.htm seems impossible !