No christmas gift for us?

 From:  JTB
Come on Michael, let us have the new beta as a christmas gift! :)

Merry christmas to everyone...!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
262.2 In reply to 262.1 
Just a little bit more work to finish it up. It should be either today or tomorrow, so that's in time for Christmas!

- Michael
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 From:  skello (ISAAC)
262.3 In reply to 262.2 
Now a real christmas present will be a layer system in the next beta.
Yeah!! i know... in my dreams LOL

Anyway Merry Christmas and wishing you smooth development and release of moi for the coming year.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
262.4 In reply to 262.3 
> Now a real christmas present will be a layer system in the next beta.

This is still a ways off.... You must have been naughty!! :)

- Michael
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 From:  crsrma
262.5 In reply to 262.4 

I think a New Years beta would be just as sweet - and allow our fine dev here a bit of a happy holiday. :)

The current beta is still such a treat to open up. I don't think I've seen finer booleans for one, it's really a gift that keeps on giving.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
262.6 In reply to 262.5 
> I think a New Years beta would be just as sweet - and
> allow our fine dev here a bit of a happy holiday. :)

Thanks! :) A couple of things took a bit longer than I had thought (seems to happen rather often) but it looks like I should be able to finish it up later today.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
262.7 In reply to 262.6 
I've got the grid-type array and circular type array working now, I've just got the array along curve left before it's ready.

The alignment type tools will have to wait until the next one.

- Michael
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 From:  7th (SE7ENTH)
I am late...
Anyone, Merry Christmas!
and a new bata as a gift?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
262.9 In reply to 262.8 
Merry Christmas 7th! Yes, the new beta is out now.

You can consider it your Christmas present, and if it crashes on you, that's how you know that you've been bad this year... ;)

- Michael
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