Hi luk72 - MoI's trial version does use a system called Themida (also called WinLicense) to protect it against being "cracked", that's where some people try to alter the trial version to remove the 30 day limit.
It looks like your virus checker is generating what is called a "false positive" for this, and mis-interpreting it as being a trojan / virus type program.
You may want to contact the authors of your virus checker to let them know about this problem so that they can correct their virus checker.
> It is real threat or proper security element? Please help.
It's not a real threat - Themida is a security system that can be used to protect software to make it more difficult to alter. It is not itself a trojan or virus program. Their web site is here: http://winlicense.com/index.php
There is an alternate trial version that you can download from here:
This alternate version does not have that protection layer around it and instead has saving disabled. Your virus checker will not likely have this "false positive" detection problem with this other version.
- Michael