Make the browser wider?

 From:  -ash-
Hi Michael,

Like the browser functionality so far, looks like being a powerful tool, especially once the groups come along :-)

I've been playing around with the position of the browser and have made it adjacent on the right of the main palette. So now I have expanded the main window onto my 2nd screen (which is on my right).

Now I have the whole of the second screen to play with I would like to make the browser wider to cope with long names, etc. Is there a way to do this at the moment?

I couldn't find a setting in the .ini file so I am assuming it is in one of the UI files but I can't see it.



(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2580.2 In reply to 2580.1 
Hi Tony - I had meant to put something in for controlling the width in the .ini but I forgot...

Right now the width is controlled in a kind of hacky way, but it is possible to tweak it.

If you open up BrowserPane.htm, there is a <div> tag in there that is the first child of the <body>, the width is currently controlled by the content of this div, it currently says: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - add some more A letters inside of that one to make it get wider.

At the very least I'll be making this into a moi.ini setting for setting this width, probably as a "number of letters" value rather than pixels, so that it will stay proportional to the overall UI scale (the one set in Options / General / UI scale).

- Michael
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 From:  -ash-
2580.3 In reply to 2580.2 
Cheers Michael, that's done the trick.

I had seen the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, but hadn't realized what it meant :-)

EDITED: 16 Apr 2009 by -ASH-

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