Rhino 5 beta

 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

I just returned from a short trip to Tucson, AZ and found the latest MoI beta ready for download and had a quick look at the new stuff ... hooray!

I suppose you are aware that MoI will not open a .3dm file from the newest Rhino 5 beta ... Rhino 4 will not open it, either.

Now MoI presents me with a new learning curve ... lots of great new stuff that I have to find a work flow for so I can later move it successfully into Rhino 5, dimension it and and render it with the totally Flamingo NXT.

I'm glad I enjoy challenges.

I hope I have some time to play with MoI over the weekend.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2577.2 In reply to 2577.1 
Hi Eric, welcome back from your trip!

Yeah the new MoI v2 beta can now transfer layers to and from Rhino, in MoI they are called "Styles" and are part of the new scene browser.

I think you had asked about that in the past, so hopefully this new function should make it easier for you to use MoI in combination with Rhino.

re: Rhino v5 - right now I think that you'll have to do a Save As "Rhino v3" or "Rhino v4" formats for those files to be brought into MoI, same as you have to do to make them work with Rhino v4 as well like you mentioned.

It looks like I can make a small adjustment to the reading code to make MoI read in most stuff directly from a v5 file, although it looks like layer assignments will not come through yet so you'll probably still want to use the Save As v4 method for a while yet.

When they release the v5 OpenNURBS toolkit I may be able to do some further tweaks to make some more stuff come through properly, but I'm not sure yet what kind of changes there are in the format.

You may want to ask them if there is an option available to make files be saved in the V4 format by default since that would probably make file transfer a bit easier for now if you could set it to do that.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2577.3 In reply to 2577.2 
Hi Michael ...

Yes, a nice but short trip ... we still have snow here in the BC mountains but our garden and greenhouse spaces are clear. It was great to spend a few days in the warm southwest and eat Mexican food outside in the evening.

At the moment Rhino 5 will save to Rhino 4 with a warning that some information will not transfer. I'm not using Rhino 5 for any production work yet so I am thrilled that layers will preserve between MoI and Rhino 4 and the renderer I use .... 'Flamingo'.

Thanks for all the great progress you are making with MoI ... I so much enjoy using it.

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 From:  neo
Are these changes are gonna effect Moi/Rhino compatibility in any way. Or has nothing to do with the openNurbs project?

Quote from here http://community.irhino3d.com/forums/t/789.aspx
{McNeel recently held a meeting with Rhino resellers and plug-in developers. One of the things we talked about was future plug-in directions. McNeel strongly suggests that Windows plug-in developers use .NET for plug-in development, because it is a much simpler development environment than MFC.

When I talked to these developers about plug-in options on the Mac, I said that the state of .NET plug-ins on the Mac was "Unknown". I originally was going to say "Cannot be done" but Steve Baer, one of the Windows developers, observed that we don't know yet whether it can be done or not. But we made it clear to the plug-in developers not to make any plans that assume .NET plug-ins will work on the Mac.

We are very aware of the Mono project and the possibilities it provides. I've also worked on too many cross-platform projects to optimistically say that Mono is a solution. We'll see if we can do something with Mono in the future, but it will be a lot of work, and it will not be a magic bullet. It will still require a fair amount of careful work by plug-in developers for something like Mono to work. At a minimum, a plug-in developer will have to separate all UI-related code from the rest of the plug-in and write two different versions of the UI, one for Windows and one for Mac. This, by the way, is exactly what is happening with the Mac port.

And, to be clear, Rhinoscript will never run on the Mac. There's just too much Windows-specific stuff in there. If you want a cross-platform scripting language, use Python in V5.
Marlin Prowell}

{Apple provides stellar support for Python in OS X 10.5. You can create a first-class application using only Python on 10.5. (A first-class application is one that looks and acts exactly like a native compiled application).

So the plan is to use IronPython on Windows and Apple's version of Python on the Mac. (Yet another reason for requiring 10.5). We've talked about this internally, and we plan to have a Python interface library on each platform that would provide identical functionality. You would put:
import RhinoLib
(to make something up) in your script and this would provide access to the equivalent of all the Rhino. functions in RhinoScript. The internal implementation of RhinoLib would probably be different on the two platforms, but you don't need to worry about that. Your Python script will run exactly the same on both platforms.

There's core Rhino code changes necessary to support this, and that work is being done in the Rhino V5 code, so we cannot provide any of this until after V5 WIP versions get released.
Marlin Prowell}
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2577.5 In reply to 2577.4 
Hi neo - as far as I can tell that message is talking about developing plug-ins for Rhino.

The OpenNURBS toolkit is a completely separate library from that - OpenNURBS is a toolkit for reading and writing 3DM files.

MoI only uses the OpenNURBS toolkit and does not use the Rhino plug-in SDK, so none of that stuff really has anything to do with MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  neo
2577.6 In reply to 2577.5 
thanks Michael for your reply, also I would like to ask what are the languages MoI is using? I have notice some Java and html, what else?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2577.7 In reply to 2577.6 
Hi neo,

> also I would like to ask what are the languages MoI is using?

MoI is written with a combination of C++, JavaScript, and HTML.

> I have notice some Java and html, what else?

Actually MoI does not use any Java, it uses JavaScript. Even though the names are similar, Java and JavaScript are separate languages.

- Michael
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 From:  neo
2577.8 In reply to 2577.7 
Cool thanks a lot.
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