likelyhood of new beta in next couple of days?

 From:  rhodesy
Hi Michael,

Not wanting to come accross as pushy just wondering if you were planning on releasing the next beta today or tomorrow as I understand it's imminent? The reason I ask is that I have a project that I need to work on that REALLY needs some layer organisation so don't want to stress myself out battling through it over the next couple of days only for the new beta to be released as soon as im done! I need to finish it by the end of monday so it needs doing quite soon but im sure i'll be able to finish it in 1/4 of the time with a layer system so can delay it if you are planning to release it by Easter - if not then i'll continue on with it now.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2564.2 In reply to 2564.1 
Hi Rob - yeah it is getting close... Still wrapping up a few things which may take me until Sunday. By that point I think I will just cut it loose even if some parts are not quite finished.

But I'm not so sure with your very close target date that it would be good to wait. There is always the possibility with a new release that there could be bugs that need to be worked out, so it would probably not be wise to bank everything on a brand new release helping you out to such a degree on a deadline just so short a time after the release...

I mean I hope that it would do that for you, but the combination of "brand new beta release" + "very tight immediate deadline" just has some potential for problems, it is probably best not to force that combination together.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2564.3 In reply to 2564.1 
Probably by the end of tomorrow though I'll be able to tell whether the release will be on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
Thanks Michael and I think you're right. I'll struggle through this one with the thought of never having to deal with so many lines/objects all on one layer and without grouping ever again spurring me on! Got another deadline for a different project next week so hopefully can give the layer system a spin with that one. Looking forward to the grouped export function too for the final release!

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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
C'mon MG, we've all seen the banner on Broadway. Now wheres this beta?!

Har har, Happy Easter. :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2564.6 In reply to 2564.5 
Hi Nick, way cool banner!

I'm on Pacific time, so it isn't even Sunday here yet... :)

It looks like I should have it ready sometime tomorrow though.

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
2564.7 In reply to 2564.6 
>Hi Nick, way cool banner!

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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
It appears that Beckham is a hardcore MoI fan!


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