Hi, well again for me, my initial request for this >was because of scale< - typically when working on spaceships, I need to zoom out to a coupla hundred meters to move around to different parts of the ship and then "dial in" to work on say a window or a hatch or vent area etc.
When I got home, I had MoI and LW open and that was when I noticed how MoI's grid becomes unusable when you zoom in or out while in comparision, LW's grid maintained the same visual distance but your "view" of the visible space within your scene became either more or less.
My thought there was "wow!, I'd still be able to have all of MoI's great snaps working for me if the grid worked this way" - that's why I brought up the snapping part there at the end.
If you look at my GIF again, as I zoomed out to 20m level, your objects just keeps getting smaller, which to me, is my indication of scale.
Say that cube was a "man" floating in space and I wanted to rough out the size my Rescue Shuttle next to him - I can sorta judge the scale of objects I need to create by dialing up or down and seeing the amount of space I have available relative to other object(s) in the scene.
I thought the problem with this in MoI would have been wheeling arbitrary zoom values again like 1.82cm or similar - THAT would be horrifying for me also to work with!
However I can easily grasp creating my objects when I can see my grid is say 1, 2, 5 or 10 (20, 50, 100) units etc., it's not distracting at all.
Mentally for me, it's like a multiplier; "hmmm, let me zoom out 10 units and add this...", "this part should be 50x larger..." - that's typically how I use this kind of grid.
I thought if it was trival or not too hard to implement, it would have been a nice INI file option.
Yes, you'd need a UI to display the current grid value, but looking at MoI just now, I could see a small text item right below the viewport axis icons for each viewport " G:10m " or " G:50' " in that same nice light/semi-transparent font.
OR (looking again), right next to the viewport name "Top (20mm)" may be a good spot to display the grid unit - it could also be made to fade out similar to the viewport controls as well so it's not distracting...