> Haven't tried that, I'll make a test, not sure how I can do this.
Here are the steps - draw your path curve, then draw your profiles below it in a left-to-right order:
Select the profiles, run Construct/Sweep, then select the path curve. This will generate this result:
History is active on this sweep at this point, so you can edit either the path or any of the profiles and the sweep will update. Once you have finished editing it to the desired shape, select it and do Construct/Planar to cap off the ends and turn it into a solid.
> and then with a slider you can adjust the % or length of the path where each
> profile is used. For example at 0% use profile1, at 15% profle2, at 32% again
> profile1, at 85% profile3, and end with profile 2 at 100%.
I do plan on having something along these lines in a future version - for V1 I won't have this ready yet, the profiles will be evenly spaced when you use the "auto-placement" mode like this.
You can still control the spacing manually though - if you place the profiles so that they are actually on the path curve, then MoI will use them in that spot - so if you want to have profile2 at 15% of the way, you can move it there and rotate it perpendicular to the curve, and it will be used at that location.
- Michael