Auto join option for offset?

 From:  rhodesy
Small request here....Can we have an option to auto connect a straight line from the end points of an offset line with the end points of the original line please? If this could be paired with an auto group function option it would be a bit of a time saver for me at least. Just thinking about drawing walls or any shape that needs to be extruded with a thickness, with this you would draw your inside line, use the offset comand to specify the distance and then you have a shape that is ready for extrusion. Currently we have to manually connect the ends and join. Hoping this doesn't sound like a big job or classed as UI clutter.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
2543.2 In reply to 2543.1 
Hi Rob, yeah I'd like to put in something to do that.

One thing that has got me stopped up from doing that before was deciding whether to add that option in to Offset, or whether that should be added to the Shell command instead, as a way to "shell" a curve.

But even though it is kind of like shelling, it may just be easier to add it in to Offset since Shell does not currently do anything at all for curves, while Offset is all set up to handle curves already with all the various curve-specific options in there...

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
Yeah I would instinctively look in the offset dialogue rather than the shell one i think for that sort of command. I associate shelling with creating surfaces and offset with lines for some reason. Auto join would be a good tick box too.

Cheers for that although like you say you'd already thought about it!
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 From:  -ash-
2543.4 In reply to 2543.3 
I vote for this too. Hope you can squeeze this into V2.


(aka HamSoles)

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