Network and boolean diff problem, Mar 27 2009
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2527.3 In reply to 2527.1 
Hi Otterman - re: Network - the particular curves you used for trying the Network do not seem to be in that file...

But from the ones that were in there on the one side it looks like it is split up into a couple of different curves there:

You'll need to join those together - without them joined together Network will consider them to be 2 independent parts of the network and get confused when it is unable to determine the grid layout.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2527.4 In reply to 2527.1 
Hi Otterman - re: weird boolean - I have made a small adjustment to the tolerances used in booleans which makes this particular example work now in the next v2 beta.

But I'm sure there will still be other similar issues with edges that skim along surfaces, it depends on how close they are to the surface and stuff like that. So it will still be a good idea to set things up more so an object punches all the way through another one rather than just skims along its surface, if it is easy to do so. That tends to avoid the whole area of calculation that is difficult.

Also I think I'll go ahead and set up the booleans with the relative tolerance mechanism now as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Yenmonger (OTTERMAN)
Thanks for your time and care in this matter, MG!
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