Moi3D V2 beta test

 From:  Ralf-S
Hi all,

We are MoI users since a year and now V2 beta tester.

Today we have made many file import tests with some apps.
Also with MoI and we are very impressed.

Respect Michael, keep up your great and clean work. :)

Greetings from Bavaria

Here is one example:
STEP file 115 MB
Vista 64 bit
Image Attachments:
Size: 506.8 KB, Downloaded: 246 times, Dimensions: 1147x857px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2523.2 In reply to 2523.1 
Hi Ralf, thanks very much, I'm glad that MoI is working well for you!

One thing that I would currently suggest for working more easily with large files is to adjust the display mesh density setting.

By default the display mesh is set to be rather dense which makes for a very smooth looking display but also takes up more memory per object.

If you have a lot of surfaces you can reduce memory consumption by a significant amount by changing the setting to get a coarser mesh.

To do this, go to Options / View / Meshing parameters, and set "Mesh angle" to 25 degrees, and uncheck "Add detail to inflections".

That will cause the display to look slightly more rough, but the memory consumption and polygon density of the display will reduce by a lot to make the heavy file handle a lot better.

I'm hoping to make this process somewhat more automatic in the future but for now you need to adjust those settings manually to reduce memory use for heavy files.

- Michael
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 From:  Ralf-S
2523.3 In reply to 2523.2 
Hi Michael,

Thank you.
Yes we are aware of this and we were surprised:No problems with 3.62 GB RAM.
A lot of 3D CAD apps. have in this area the well known "Black memory leak"...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2523.4 In reply to 2523.3 
Hi Ralf, yup that is cool that it works!

One thing that I have focused on with MoI is to make it efficient so that it can run well on older and slower machines, or on machines that have pretty modest 3D video hardware. For example MoI will actually run on a machine with a GeForce1 or Radeon 7000 card (of course on older cards the model density needs to be limited to be more simple though).

This sort of thing also tends to help out with heavy scenes on a faster/newer computer as well.

But I would definitely recommend adjusting the display to be coarser like I mentioned previously - it really cuts down on the amount of memory that is used for heavy models.

It is cool that you can get up to 3.62 GB, but that is getting really very close to the maximum amount that is currently possible for MoI to allocate, since it is a 32-bit program. So if you want to do any other operations to your model instead of only view it, you'll probably need to have it somewhat less full than that so that there is some space available for any other additional calculations or processing that you want to do.

Thanks very much for your comments and for testing MoI v2!

- Michael
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